Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Turn - AMC new period drama I don't know what to make of it after the premiere

So I only just got round to watching the premiere for Turn and I don't really know what to make of it I've scratched my head trying to write about it. So first off lets just get it out of the way if you haven't watched it and plan to watch it watch it first then come back because there will be spoilers during this post. Also if you don't know what Turn is its the story of Americas first spy ring during the American Revolution. Where a group of old friends led my Jamie Bell become spies on the redcoats and the British to help George Washington in the war against the British.

So the premise and the plot for this series are very promising and is something that very much drew me into watching the show. And it was great to see that it had a decent reception to it on Sunday for the premiere of 2.1 million people. And the show shows promise of being something great once it gets off the ground and it shows those tell tale signs of being an AMC show. My big problem is also that it is an AMC show because it follows their tropes of opening up a show with loads of questions and no very many answers. Which is why I wish this show had been made by HBO because you would get the same sort of show but done with a better direction and better paced out. Also would of probably got a better fucking cast from them as well because (I'm just gonna go on a rant now so if you liked the premiere just stop reading) I don't like Jamie Bell I'm just going to put that out there now. I have never liked him as an actor or the projects that he has been involved in apart from Nymphomaniac which he's dark and twisted which was brilliant. But he is just awful in this show he plays this really monotone guy that doesn't really show any emotion or like he knows where he is in life or what he's bloody doing with his life. Then you have the rest of the cast which includes Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Im not even joking on this when I say that when they introduced him as Jamie Bells dad in the show all I had in my head was the Pirates theme music. I literally started to expect to see Jack Sparrow and the rest of the cast of bloody Pirates to turn up and for it to come up saying go and see Pirates 5 in cinemas 2015. So the show overall is an hour long for the premiere and I have never felt so confused and bored watching a show mostly due to the fact that they everything there for a good show on a plate and you make everyone dark and monotone. I mean the poster alone just shows how dark they plan on this show being the red coats being the only colour representing the British and death and blood in the show. Which to be honest we shouldn't be surprised about because with the nature and subject that their touching on I wasn't expecting to go into this show and expect sunshine and daises. But I was expecting a show much like previous shows for the channel such as Breaking Bad and The Walking dead something with strong writing and gripping story behind it. Not just a very confusing premiere that didn't really leave me with any questions other then WTF did I just watch and is he now a spy or what.

Something I will say thats good about the show and is the only thing that I did really praise it for is how brilliant the set pieces are for the show. It genuinely feels like your in the middle of the American Revolution the redcoats are complete douchebags beating the crap out of anyone that doesn't do what they want. They also beat up Jamie's character which I really enjoyed because I have come to quickly dislike him already mostly due to the fact I don't feel we learnt much about him. Unlike shows like Walking Dead and Breaking Bad where we quickly came to know the main characters in the premieres this show just left me scratching my head quite a bit. I didn't know what he gained from all of this other then that he won't get pushed around by his dad or the rest of the red coats. I just hope that this first episode was just more for setting up the world more then the story because it does show a lot of promise for being a great period drama. Just I  really would like to see the story some hat progress a bit more to the point where we actually have a clue on the motive of the characters in the show. mostly because I don't get why they didn't just properly set all of this up in the premiere because we all went to school right and we all no matter what country you live in learnt about the American Revolution so we all know the outcome. So theres no point in trying to act like theres some mysterious ending that your going to try and keep from us. Unless it does all just turn out to be a plan by Disney to introduce Pirates 5 which to be honest wouldn't surprise me seeing as Disney own mostly everything now.

I apologise for this because it turned from less a review and more into a rant don't get me wrong I don't hate the show I just don't think they approached the premiere as best that they could have. N I will have a weekly review of the show as each episode comes out because i have been proved wrong about a lot of shows in the past (Agents of Shield have done just that) so lets just hope were looking at a brilliant new show for AMC.

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