Sunday, 27 April 2014

Fargo The Rooster Prince Review - Hammer Time!


So after last weeks exciting and just plain brilliant premiere it was hard to think how they were going to top it this week or keep the excitement train rolling. But surprisingly they did by giving us a bloody hammer, Billy Bob Thornton taking a dump and Molly starting to put the pieces together on the case of her ex partner. It all built up to be just one exciting episode and showed that this show isn't a one trick pony and that it has legs to stand on which surprised me but in a good way.

Shall we start with Lester who last week put a new meaning into the song Hammer Time see there was a point to the title. He's now trying to lie low and get on with his life as he moves in with his brother as his home is just to full of memories and a guilty Lester is trying to keep the lie going and his feeling under wraps. Martin Freeman's accent was a lot easier to deal with this week now that we are used to it and it feels like he's settled into the role quite well also. (He's done the impossible have a British Actor put on an accent without it sounding awful) Its weird because I feel like Lester was that character in the first episode that you wanted to route for as he went through his daily life getting pushed around and treated like crap. But this week I just looked at him and felt sorry for him in a way because he listened to Lorne he did the unthinkable kill his wife and then lie through his teeth to everybody. Well I say unthinkable but come on she did have it coming the way she went on at him I'm surprised that he hadn't done it sooner. But Lester wasn't such a key figure this week he was more in the background which I felt when with the character in the fact he's trying to lie low and not be seen and get on with things. Even those he's now a killer he's my faviroute character in the show mostly because he feels the most innocent out of everyone everything that is Lester is laid out there on a plate. Unlike Lorne who is dark, moody, evil and I think I will collapse if I ever see him cracking a smile.

Talking of Lorne he was just as fun and exciting to be around as having a gun put to your head. He had two brilliant scenes in episode the first being at the post office which looked more like a cafeteria then a post office. I felt sorry for that man working behind the counter a empty post office with just them to he's lucky he didn't become the new postmen's letter bag. It was so tense and my heart was in my mouth as Lorne said "you don't want me to come round and find it myself" I was thinking just say yes to everything that he asks because you don't want to meet the guy that said no. Billy Bob Thornton was amazing in the premiere and just showed himself to be utterly brilliant in the second episode as well if not a massive improvement on  the first one. Lorne was at the post office picking up his new assignment with the super market millionaire who has received a mysterious black mail letter with a odd brown stain on the back of it. This is just happens to be at the same time that he is going through divorce settlement with his soon to be ex-wife who happens to use bronzer which is the same colour as the mark on the back of the letter. At the same time as this supermarket millionaires body guard meets Lorne at his hotel room for a little chat that he doesn't like people muscling in where their not wanted. So we got another amazing Lorne moment namely dropping his trousers and taking a crap at no point losing eye contact with him. It was digesting and intimidating and weirdly was one of the highlights of the episode because Lorne and Billy have become the real highlights of the show. The intimidating nature of his character and  just brilliant nature about the way he handles situations. Such as last week with Officer Grimly who was smart enough to keep on the right side of him and not annoy him.

Officer Grimly is the most intriguing character as he's only appeared in short bursts over the last two episodes both scenes not being very long. This week we saw him battling with his inner demons and guilt as he tried to be a proper officer of the law and deal with his guilt for letting the man go. It was a great little scene with him and his daughter as he started to piece together just who the man was in the car and that he was looking at a murderer. It was also a great scene with his daughter who looked up to him and saw him as a role model well she wouldn't if she knew what he had done but he was doing it just to make sure she wasn't fatherless. Its what his daughter says that she wouldn't look away from something wrong happening or illegal and Grimly face is a picture as the guilt comes over of him of letting the man go. Grimly is a character that I feel we have only started to scratch the surface of as we each week start to get little bit more of information about him.

Talking of officers of the law those Molly she is quickly going the right way to be at the end of the next hammer time record if she's not careful. She is also in my opinion the weakest part of the episode as she spends it going against her superior and starts to harass Lester for more information on what Vern spoke to him about that night. She is quickly becoming that annoying child in the back seat of the car that asks mum are we there yet mum are we there yet. She was definably the weakest part of the episode and I just started to get tried of seeing her on screen asking the same questions over and over. I would have happily seen her be at the end of Lester's hammer this week or let Lorne get her hands on her. I just hope this isn't going to be a weekly thing from her because if it is its getting tiring very quickly.

Lastly we had two men turn up this week looking into the death of Sam Hess seeing as he did say that he had connections no one said that if was with the Fargo Mafia. They turn up looking for his killer one of them only speaking through sign language which worked great for the episode and was tense as they spoke through sign language. They soon head over to the scene of the crime where they meet a knife crazy man that fits the description of the killer that they are looking for. But when he turns out to be the wrong person they casually take out their drill put a hole in the ice and throw him in the lake. This was probably my faviroute scene of the episode and it was the last scene of the episode which worked great as a conclusion to the second episode. What was brilliantly was the way that they casually went about it  dropping him in the lake and then just walking away. Its something that I think that we are going to have to come accustomed to with this show as we meet people that kill men without a care in the world like its going to sleep to them.

Overall this was a brilliant second episode for a show that shows legs as being one of the best shows on TV this year. With one dip in the episode being Molly who if she has a run in with a hammer or a icy lake I won't be crying as I am already over the whole questioning and harassing thing going on with her character. Lorne was just utterly brilliant as he was in the premiere showing himself as a intimidating and evil man that still terrifies me and even when he's sitting on a toilet with his trousers round his ankles can still be scary. Lets just hope that we keep up with this speed and keep the ball rolling like they are as dark motions start to be put in place. Lorne and Lester team up is what I'm waiting for and I feel we won't be waiting long for it either.

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