So after last weeks massive shock ending with the death of everyone's hated king Joffery who can I say I actually missed this week mostly because I don't have anyone to shout my abuse at. Well Renely I guess your going to have to aren't you because your the next biggest evil bastard in the show. But if this show is anything it's shocking and they like to cause controversy and get people talking. But are get into that later because everyone reading this knows what I'm talking about and if you don't here's a clue involves Jamie.
But shall we just start from the beginning so this week we started seconds after where it finished last week with a crazed Cersei calling for Sansa to be taken in as she may have conspired with Tyrion on killing Joffery. Which come on it would make sense seeing as she had more reason then anyone to kill Joffery seeing as he executed her father in front of her and then made her live in Kings Landing and suffer and suffer and just suffer some more. So she finally made her escape this week which is something that has been coming for a long while and we saw a return of one Lord Balish sneaky old Little Finger. Who if you remember a long time ago he did always promised that he would save Sansa and get her out of Kings Landing but at what cost because there's a definantly a deal hiding under this plan. His words also gave suspicion that he was the one that poisoned Joffery which would make sense why wouldn't it be little finger he hated Joffery just as much as everyone else. This weeks epsidoe felt like one of those reaction videos on YouTube to the red wedding from season 3. It was going to diffrent members of the cast and seeing how they reacted to last weeks big death and just catching up with Danerys and the hound and Arya who were just brilliant again. And let's be honest apart from this mother there wasn't anyone that was crying about the death of thier king even Twyin didn't have any trouble in slagging him off while his dead body lay there.
So let's talk about that Tywin scene Charles is just utterly brilliant as Twyin and every week I just find myself loving his character more and more as we moulded his grandson into another Twyin. With a new king needed and the younger brother of Joffery set for the throne his grandpa was keen to show him the way of being a good king. This was just one of two scenes that he was Twin in this week as the kings hand it's his job to get loyal allies to band with him as Kings landing comes to terms with the death. But what was brilliant about this weeks episode and it's what I love about Tywin as a character it's his way with words and just how brutally horrible and evil he can be. As his own grandson lay there dead he didn't show any sadness just hate and disgust for the fact that he had managed to get himself killed. It was like a quiz show for him those this week as he grilled his grandson on what makes a good king and made him into the king that he wants him to be because the last thing they want is another Joffery. Twyin was a highlight for the episode this week because he was the symbolisation of everyone's opinion on Joffery in the show and the fans. That we looked upon him with disgust, dissapointment and hate as you were glad to finally see him laying thier dead and we wouldn't have to deal with anymore of those snarky comments and tones. But I still couldn't help but feel sad seeing him dead on that altar because I just thought back to as he died clutching onto his mother scared and wanting help.
But in the same scene we had what has become a big controversy which is understandable and just made me hate Jamie again he's like a rollar coaster up and down up and down. Hate him and then love him and then I'm back to hating him again. As he came to see his sister and on-off lover to pay his respects to his son and give Cersei a shoulder to cry on. Which turned from less a shoulder to cry on and more let me pin you down by the shoulders because I've been back long enough and you have made me wait for to long. So let's not beat around the bush he raped his sister next to the dead corpse of his son and king it was dark and twisted and not enjoyable to watch. I had trouble looking at the screen and watching what they were doing both because it's quite sick anyway that they are brother and sister, and he raped her/raped her next to a dead body. It's defiantly something that was put into the show because I am going to guess that it's part of the books again like I said I haven't read the books so haven't got a clue but I'm going to guess that it is. But I know that there has been a lot of changes over the last couple of epsiodes so maybe this was just another one of thier changes. What's great about this show is that they don't care about the content that they put in and they have the balls to put this out and if you don't like it then get over it because there's worse to come. So I can totally understand why there has been controversy because to be honest I didn't agree with it either but it's game of thrones at the end of the day and it's something that we should have come to expect from this show. But what I feel is something that will be great to see is where this takes us next week because I can imagine that Jamie could be looking for a one way ticket to becoming a cell mate with Tyrion. But who knows maybe she won't do anything because she's to grief stricken to worry about it seeing as they are former lovers after all so her brother having sex with her isn't wrong to her.
So Tyrion it's just not going his way is it his father is creating a jury of allies that will be like yes men who will agree with everything that Twyin says. It's just the sort of situation that he's being looking for hasn't he really seeing as he has no love for his son which we all know why he hates him and I won't goo into that because that's like recapping the whole of the last few seaons. But Tyrion just wasn't having any luck this week and he made it quite clear to everyone that if it wasn't obvious already that he didn't have anything to do with Jofferys death. He would have loved to have been the one behind that master plan but if he was he would have been far enough way from where it happened and not standing gawping inches from his body. So that if you had any doubts that he was the killer should have put your minds at ease because he's to obvious to be the killer and he's smarter then that. But what we did get from Tyrion all but short that it was, was a great little scene with Podrick which was quite sweet really. As Tyrion has grown to love and care about this boy I mean he made him into a man didn't he. But it was sweet and caring as we saw that lighter side of Tyrion as he tried to make sure that everyone closet to him was safe and out of the firing line. But poor old Pod he's that person you can just imagine that he was mothered for most of his life so isn't really wise of the world he's almost like a baby and cute in a way. But it was sweet as he tried to stay loyal to Tyrion but was in the end made to take the deal that was given to him before something worse happened to him. This week while it wasn't anywhere near as brilliant as last weeks episode it was great to get back to these character focused scenes after last weeks hectic wedding.
Where these character focused scenes fell down those was with Sam oh Sam you love her but you are just to proud and loyal to your oath to tell her the truth. It just felt weak and slowed down the pacing for the episode and very much bored me as it felt very dragged out. I also didn't get the point of Sams motives because it doesn't help anyone does it, it makes things worse for both of them. She's now stuck living down in a house with a group of horrible people that are just lookig to kill her for he is wildling and Sam is going to be thinking about her and will hardly be able to check up on her as the Wildlings approach the wall. The whole same story could have been cut down to just key dialogue as it started to slow down and make Jon Snow and the meeting of the crows feel very unimportant as well. I have always found that Sam should have stayed as a side character because that's really where he works and he plays well off of some of the stronger characters. It's the reason I don't feel he worked by himself in season 3 because he's a weaker character and not really someone to route for more just well he's survived longer then I thought he would. It was weak and I just felt confused wih how he had come to the decision and where his motives lie he's like one those kids at school that always try's to get in with the cool kids it's the only way I can describe him.
But enough about Sam shall we talk about something that was a welcome return The hound and Arya who were once again just brilliant. Hound is fast becoming the comedy releif for the show the both of the tme feel like a comedy double act as Arya tried to keep everything sweet and apologise for what he was saying. I mean come on the hound is an ass that's what he does best at the end of the day and thier isn't any way of changing that and I don't think that you would want to change him that's what makes him so likeable. So again this week like I said a couple of weeks ago after the premiere i find that the hound is slowly starting to like Arya and Arya is the same with the hound. They have become dependent on each other even when Arya feels like one of those kids in the back of the car asking "dad are we there yet dad are we there yet" But it was another great scene with them and I again felt like they stole the episode again from the rest of the cast because it was that comedy relief that we needed from an otherwise dark and depressing tone. It was needed for the epsiode and it worked and I felt that it was the strongest scene in the episode and I just could t help but love the hound during grace around the table. It was funny because he looked so huge at that table and just hearing him basically try and get them to hurry up because I'm sick of your chatting because my only god is my stomach. This week I feel would have been a lot weaker without this scene as it relieved the audience of the dark tone that we were being forced by making us laugh and feel lighter that something was going right for some people at least.
Things that weren't going right were for Baratheon who I don't really want to speak about because he's just becoming more of an annoyance then excitement. So like the rest of the cast we saw him react to the death of Jofferyy and he was like that little villain sitting in a chair wi a white cat scheming and planing he's dr evil basically. See this scene was like the wilding scene that came with this episode they didn't feel like that were needed as there was much more important plot lines in the episode that could have been filled in thier place. The Wildlings scene again like in the premiere I didn't really see the need of mad it just felt weak I didn't feel fear about them I just looked at them and thought your on the other side of the wall in hot sunshine why are you wearing all those clothes. I'm not even joint about that I literally got annoyed that they were still wearing winter clothes that's how disinterested I have become with the wildings and that whole storyline the way that that they are handling it at the moment.
We ended strongly again this week this time with everyone's faviroute queens of dragons daneryreous I really do apologise of the spelling I spell her name diffrently every time. But you can never put a foot wrong with ending an episode with this group I mean they ended last season with them and that was just utterly fantastic in my opinion. So this week we got a brilliant speech from her as she basically told the slaves that they don't have to be slaves that they could join her be free and have a free life of chains. Which she follwed by catapulting barrels of broken chains into the city which I found brilliant because it's simple yet effect at sending a message that I am your saviour and that you don't have to live under tyrants anymore. She was also mentioned this week by Tywin who showed a sense of fear about her which to be honest I would be terrified of her she gets more confident and powerful the more we see her. She certainly isn't that young frail girl being wed to Drogo anymore is she it's like looking at a completly diffrent woman. It was a brilliant scene to end a otherwise less exciting epsiode that lost its way half way throughg the epsiode with Sam but found its way back with the hound.
Overall Game of thrones just never fails to impress and gave us another brilliant epsiode this week which while it was weaker then last weeks episode it still didn't fail to shock and impress. This epsidoe set all the wheels in motion for big things to come as everyone comes to terms with the death of Joffery. We have the Tyrion court case to come yet that will be exciting and are we looking at the return of Little Finger to a weekly cast member which would be brilliant as he had been greatly missed by me and a lot of other people I'm sure.
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