Monday, 28 April 2014

Hannibal Shiizakana Review - All men can become beasts


So can we just start by talking about just how great this show is and how they have managed to start topping themselves each week making it better and better. Ever since they killed off Chilton the show has started to feel like it's had a fresh new start like a brand new season of the show. This week we saw Will and Hannibals twisted rollar coaster of a relationship take another drastic turn this week as they discussed what it meant to kill another human being. Would it be as satisfying to kill a man with a bullet in the barrel of a gun as it would be to kill him with your bare hands?? 

This weeks show was very much Will and Hannibal centred which I feel that we had lost with the first half of the season as Will coped with being placed in a unit for the criminally insane. But to get back to what make the show so great has been brillaint these past couple of weeks since Will became Hannibals patient again. What was clear from the outset of this weeks episode is that Hannibal was planting that seed in Wills head again to warp his mind in the way that he wanted to. The first season was to frame him for being a killer that he wasn't name Hannibal Lecter and now he's transforming him into the perfect killer that he knows he can be. Almost like its one of his children he's molding him in his own image which is why I chose the picture above because they look like twins. Will has even started to dress like Hannibal in a lot of ways and his mannerisms have started to change as he becomes more of a killer. So this week started off with a dream sequence of Hannibal tied to a tree slowly being tightened around his neck as Will had the stag pulling the rope to pull it tighter in around his throat. It was a chance to just see the seed becoming deeper in planted in his mind as killing and the thought of killing was becoming more and more important for him. We also had a darker cooking scene for the show as Hannibal cooked a liver for him and Jack. It was a tense moment for Hannibal as he passed Jack the plate and mentioned the words liver to him Jacks eyes twitched if you noticed. You can still see that in the back of his mind he thinks about what Will told him but knows in his heart that he has nothing to go on and all the evidence shows Will to be wrong. It was less air time for the rest of the cast this week as Jack was pushed back to smaller scenes with either Hannibal or Will this week. Hannibal used his charm to keep Jack on his side while Will worked professionally as usual as they came across a less then normal murder case. 

So it was less a murder case and more an animal attack well that was how it was made out to be anyway maybe a bear or a wolf. But then why would you call the FBI for a simple animal attack case not the normal sort of thing that they would be called out for. Now something that you can't fault the writers for and the creators of the show is the diffrent types of killers that they have in the show and they always feel fresh and new. Whether it's last weeks one with a man that burst out of a horse or this week with a man that thought of himself as an animal or to put it blunty a bear. The coincidence that came with this mysterious killer was that he fit the description for one of his former patients that he used to treat. So Hannibal being the sneaky man that he was he headed over to see him before they made it to him to warn him because he had bigger plans for him. What I love about this show is that they don't try and keep the killer a secreat each week we always get some sort of idea of who they are or we will see them killing a man or woman or 3 in the case of this man this week. But like I said Hannibal had a bigger motive for him this week in the form of using him to kill Will. Pay back I guess for Will trying to kill him makes sense really was only a matter of time before he tried to get rid of him or pay him back for the favour. But what was great about this killer this week and I think it just shows the sort of influence that he has on his patients is that he is able to create them into cold blooded killers. Or plant a seed there where it wasn't before in the case of Will Graham. Which I think was the big deception this week and planning as he planted those feelings deep in Wills brain until it all came to a head with Will killing the bear man shall we call him. 

But what was the stand out part of the episode was the ending as Hannibal opened the sliding doors expecting to see Wills dead body laying on that table just for it to be the man that he sent to kill him. What was great was the way that they had what was almost a Mexican stand off as they stared each other out and Will forgave him for sending the man to kill him. The feud I feel is now over and thier friendship is now beginning again as Hannibal started to plant his mind games in Wills mind again and mold him in his own image. I think that this weeks episode was less about the killer and more about Hannibal while it centred on Will and Hannibal it was very Hannibal centred episode. It was all about him getting even with Will for what he did to him and it was great to finally see him get his bitter sweet revenge on him. 

The only other real focus this week on the episode was Hannibals other patient that becomes more and more interesting as the episodes carry on and Hannibal plants the seed in her mind also. What was great was her scene with Will as they compared notes on Hannibal and his methods of therapy with his patients. This is where she told Will about how he said she could have someone else kill her bother for her which just gave Will even more ammo to use against him. But it was also a chance for Will to speak to him killer to killer as they realise that they are no diffrent to each other. I just hope that we see more of thesen Hannibal and Will centred episodes as the final few episodes are show. I think we could see the start of a killing double act for the both of them over the next few episodes. My faviroute part of the episode and it's something they kept coming back to during the episode and for the teaser for next week. That killing with your hands is more satisfying then killing with a loaded gun and that the thought of killing with your hands is a much better thought and much more intiment. It was great to see them get closer over a common likeness even if it was the thought of murderign another human being. 

Overall I felt this was probably the strongest epsiode since the Chilton death episode and it was great to firmly have a Will and Hannibal centered episode. Seeing them bond over a common likeness was brilliant as well and that they are no long rivals or hateful for each other but more friends and that they have become closer few sorting their differences. While Will can tell that Hannibal is a monster I think that it's become less important for him to prove him being guilty and that he respects him more as friend and ally and that thier in different from each other. I just hope that they keep with this storyline and Hannibal and Will centered episode because it's brilliant and great to watch unfold. I just can't help but praise this show and say this every week but just more people need to watch it and give it a chance because it's just utterly fantastic. 

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