Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Hannibal Futamono Review - Never go to a Hannibal dinner party

Can I just say that we are 6 episodes into this season of the show and I don't think we have had one bad episode yet and each episode just seems to be topping the previous one that we had before it. The only thing that annoys me is that we are having to wait a week for the next episode because the show is looking like we could be seeing Red Dragon by the end of the series. But first can I just start with Eddie Izzard he has been a breath of fresh air in the last few episodes playing Dr.Giddien sorry if I spelt his name wrong. The scene between him and Will as their sitting against their cell walls talking back to each other about their common enemy Hannibal Lecter and how he needs to tell the ever gullible Jack what he knows. Its during this scene that we see someone who is fast becoming my faviroute of show and that is Dr.Chilton who is listening in on the conversation. I have found that the show is really putting the character to good use and finding a great way to include him in the story since he was introduced back in season 1. The writers of the show have found a way to make him important tot the show and use him in a way that was never done in the films. In the films Chilton always just felt like he was that annoying kid in the school playground hanging around trying to get in with the big kids. But here he actually feels like he has some sort of importance to being there and if you have seen the films or read the books then you know he becomes quite important later on.

Chilton leads me onto probably the most tense part of the episode which was the dinner party watching Jack enter with Wills word still ringing in the back of his mind. As he walks around watching everyone chowing down on food prepared by Hannibal for this extravagant evening where now I know you would want to because you know it isn't what he says it is. But come on he's quite the culinary is old Hannibal the food that he creates is quite impressive shall we say and if I was at one of his parties completely unaware of what was in that food I would be eating it. Bit off topic but still within lines of the dinner party the food preparation scene was stunning and it is something that I have come to absolutely adore about this show. Watching him go through this list of dishes and just pick one out and then a name from the other book while we have seen him do this before it just doesn't get old its just as creepy and just as brilliant. It also brings back to the fact of that you can't help but love him as well and I find this with the Antony Hopkins Hannibal as well you know he's a murder and a cannibal yet you can't help but just love him. Especially now because he just comes over as such a gentleman and so sophisticated that he have men and women wrapped around his thumb making it so easy for him to have gotten away with this for so long. But back to the dinner party my faviroute thing about that scene was watching Hannibal look almost nervous when Jack asked to take some food away with him. It was the first time that we saw this almost very vulnerable Hannibal and very unsure of whether he should allow him to or not. But I don't know if this was just be but didn't it look like Chilton nodded or gestured at Hannibal when Jack left almost as if he had told him that Jack was suspicious of him. It makes me wonder what sort of motive Chilton has which I hope is something that we see as we go further into the show and if the show (fingers crossed because its a crime if it doesn't) gets a third season see more of that relationship. Because they aren't exactly best of friends when Hannibal is later found out to be this monster.

Can we talk about Dr.Bloom for a second here I won't talk about her to much because frankly I just can't stand her character and don't really feel like they have used her to her full potential in the show. But I just want to say WTF are you doing girl you would think that she would be running for the hills now or at least be a bit suspicious of this man who everyone apart from her is suspicious of now. Or maybe its just because he has her wrapped around his thumb and blinded to the man that is hiding underneath who knows. But the reason I bring her up is because she defends Hannibal on countless occasions throughout this season and I just feel like we might be looking at the end of her within the next couple of episodes. With Will having been released now maybe she's going to be the best person to be on his chopping board because to be honest lets be frank she won't be missed from the show. I see her there just to be Switzerland when someone had a doubt about Will in the first season she was there to put their minds to rest. And now in this season she's now having to do the same for Hannibal so could we be looking at her demise soon because she certainly won't be needed now Will has been released. There thats all I have to say about her mostly because I don't feel like they have developed her enough to make her vaguely interesting in any way maybe we could see her get a captivating and down right gruesome like Alana Blooms death in season 1.

Now we have to get to the last point on the episode which is just how creepy and dark was the last 15 minutes of the show it just shows how ballsy the show is. Now Gideon was beaten up and put into a infirmary which leaves me with the question why did they do it the two guards I mean. I know the obvious thought is to think that Hannibal had they do it just so that he would then be able to get to him easier and get rid of him stopping him from being a witness. But wouldn't it just be more twisted if Chilton was involved in some way just because of the past that they had when Gideon mutilated him. It would make sense but then again Will did predict it like the little witch that he is that as soon as Gideon spoke to Will and was put in the cell next to him that Gideon would be dead next. I mean it does make sense really for anyone that speaks to Will the hospital worker that tried to kill Hannibal ok granted he was mental himself but still he spoke to him and took Wills advice. Then there was also Beverly who took Wills advice and discovered the truth and she was sliced like meat in a butchers because of it. So who says we won't be looking at more people ending up the same way now.

But back to the last part of the episode with Gideon and Hannibal where we got get another one of those cooking scenes and watched as we came to see just what he was cooking. Lets not beat around the bush it was fucked up weren't it really there isn't any way to say it nicely making Gideon eat himself was just plain sick. As we enter back into Hannibal's dining room which in my opinion surely his house and the way everything is should make him suspicious I mean come on its a bit mental and weird the way everything is in there. But the line that I loved because it was just so twisted was Gideon saying that "his last supper was himself" just dark and twisted and is just the show to a T. We didn't see him die but I'm going to guess that we will see him dead in some peculiar way this week which I hope that we do. But obviously I guess the most exciting thing and biggest shock was that this episode ended with the shock of that Miriam Lass is still alive. Missing an arm which is easily explained because its meant to be the only think that was left of the her after she was "killed" by the ripper. But this will make for some great drama going into the second half of the season as we may see Will finally have the evidence to prove his claim that Hannibal is the ripper.

Overall I think this was my faviroute episode of the season so far but I think I have said that about every episode but thats the thing with this show it just manages to top its self each week. I have complete faith that we are in for a just as exciting and brilliant second half to the season as we have been greeted to with the first. But would love to know what you all think is going to happen so let me know with a comment and follow me on twitter and all the usual stuff.

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