Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The Flash: "Out of Time" Review

*Spoilers for the episode follow*

Ever since Flash went for its break we have been teased about the Weather Wizard and how he change things forever for Barry which wasn't far wrong this week. As Barry enjoyed a date with his new thing we were greeted by a awkward love triangle, a brother out for revenge, Harrison being revealed as the Reverse Flash to Cisco and time travel?

A nice cameo from Clyde Mardon at the start of this weeks episode was great as we were finally introduced to his brother the Weather Wizard who has revenge in mind for Joe. After a plane crash because of the particle accelerator both brothers got the power to control the weather you know like you do when your in a plane crash. But it was great to finally get a real explanation for the reasoning behind their powers and gave a clear motive for his hatred for Joe. But much like his brother we haven't really been given much in a way of character for him other then that he's big bad and can make a tsunami. Which after the cliffhanger ending I hope that they can now work on and build on his character because at the moment theres nothing really there. While having revenge in mind for Joe because he killed his brother it would have been nice to get more of an insight into him and who he is but I'm sure thats something they can build upon as this storyline reaches its final act. We have been promised that the weather wizard will play a massive part in Barry and his going back in time and time travel will be involved with his introduction. Which we caught a small glimpse of at the start of the episode as Barry sped to the morgue only to look and see a glimpse of himself running along side him.

I've spoke to some people about this episode and the way that they handled the time travel and everyones kinda spilt down the middle some wanted more and others felt that it was a good start. Im more in the middle myself, while its good to finally start teasing the fact that he can travel into the past it might have been good to give us something with more of a punch. What I mean is that we know that Barry travelled to the past and characters in the show such as Wells, Cisco and Joe know that he was in the past and about time travel. So giving us something such as Barry finding out that Cisco was dead and then ending up in the past would have given Barry something more to fight for and us something more to route for. Or just finding out that everyones theories on Harrison Wells being evil or up to something was right all along so giving him a choice and reason to fight for might have given the episode more punch. But thats what was great about the cliffhanger because it left so much to build upon from here and how Barry goes about everything now. Will he go about things the same way he did the first time, will he let Iris find out about him being The Flash or will he let his love for her stay hidden so that he can save her from being near the tsunami. Time will tell.

But talking of Iris well done to you Barry you finally got the girl even if all of that has now been scrapped and none of that has happened now. It was a weird thing for me at first when the episode started and they had this weird love triangle happening again and it just made me think "really? were doing this again?" But its not till the end of the episode that I felt the pay off and why they would keep this storyline there in the front of our minds, amongst everything else that was happening in the episode. Out of Time was a very busy episode and it was hard to believe that they were gonna keep the momentum going without it spiralling out of control. But for the most part they managed to just keep pulling punches that kept it going at a steady pace before the big cliffhanger moment of the ending of the episode. While the villain wasn't the best that was for the most part made up for my Wells and his reveal to Cisco as we found out how he was getting beaten up by himself that night.

The reveal of Wells to Cisco was one of the best moments of the episode because its something that has been building up ever since he started investigating him with Joe. Ciscos death was a shocking moment and well deserved moment for a great character on the show and the way that Wells killed him was horrible. But I loved the way that they handled it and showed that Wells was fond of him but knew that there was nothing else he could do at this point but kill him. As we learned more about the night Barry's mum was murdered we also started to learn the real reason that Wells wants to make Barry faster and as the tension builds up the to the final half of the season, its hard to believe that anyone will make it out it alive while Wells is still around. There is a moment of relief that Cisco is now alive again because Barry has turned back time but Barry doesn't know about Wells killing him so will he be able to save him from dying again only TIME will tell. (Im sorry)

Out of Time is a hard one to talk about because everything that happened in the episode has basically been thrown out and put back to square one again. If you didn't like this episode I think that you can be happy because everything has now been reset. Which seems like a real shitty move on their part because just as if your like me you finally got to see Barry get the girl just for that to be changed and for it to never happen will be annoyed. But who knows maybe there just pulling a third Harry Potter film and there resetting everything and making it all for the better and then he can save everyone and still get the girl. I dunno I think thats just wishful thinking on my part but I think if they can keep this moment then were safe in the knowledge that were going to get a strong second half of the season.

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