episode. Through out this episode you were left with the feeling that things were going to end bad and that someone was going to end up part of the many walking dead minus the pun. I always thought that they reached their top level of shock value whether its Loris C-Section, Hershel losing his leg or baby Judith's empty bloody car seat.
Going into this episode I felt a sense of disorder and a rift forming between Lizzie and the rest of the group as she slowly started to fall further and further into madness which to be honest in that world who could blame her. But watching as she played chase with a walker and fed another mice and even just screaming at Carol that their no different and there still people I knew she was on a countdown clock. Each word she said speeding up her clock to her demise which why I was expecting it left me feeling horribly sick and sadden at the events. But I think the way in which Carol did what she did without any remorse for her actions just shows how easy it is for people to do the worst things imaginable. It shows just how brutal and cold hearted the group have become that even Tyrese someone that was very against violence when he first came into the show back in season 3 was happy to stand by and and watch as she was brutally murdered.
The episode brought shocking twists and left me wondering where do Carol and Tyrese go from here they have to live with what happened and it just shows what sort of world that they are living in now. Not only that but I got an almost Dexter vibe from this episode watching as Baby Judith witnessed Lizzie brutally murder Mika who knows maybe were looking at a messed up Judith when she grows up. I guess the one good thing that came of this episode is at the end that Carol finally confessed to Tyrese what she done and it was finally a way to get that horrible event off her chest. But for a minute watching that I was shouting at the TV wishing she hadn't said anything because I was sure we were going to be looking at Carols demise for a short while there. But the fact that Tyrese was able to forgive her showed that in this world no matter what you can't survive alone and your friends no matter what they have done need to be kept close to you. But who knows theres still 2 episodes left he might just change his mind and go Tyrese juggernaut mode again and kill her ass.
I guess what annoyed me most about this episode but its also something that I love is that this show can completely change your mind on a character in the space of an episode. So for example I never used to like Carl until it came back this season where I learned more about about him and I now find he's one of my favourite characters. I felt the same about Mika feeling that she was dead wait and if she could only be more like Lizzie (oh how wrong I was for thinking that bad enough with 1) then she might be able to defend herself more and less rely on running away. But I came to like her in the episode listening to her talk to Carol and learn that she's not the little girl that she's made to be and she knows the difference between a walker and a human being more to be said then Lizzie. But the fact that I had warmed to Mika and then they killed her off I hate them and respect them for it because it meant that I felt for her and felt sad when she died.
This episode was the best and the worst of the season I would even go as far to say that its best out of any of the seasons because it showed just what this world can do to you. Yes we have had the governor who was the essence of madness in this world but you never watched that develop from the beginning. Watching this develop and climax with Lizzie turning into less a sweet little child and a cold blooded killer just showed what this world does to a person and how children can no longer be children in this world. We've seen this first hand with Carl when he killed the young boy back in season 3 we have seen the dark places that kids can end up in this world can also be said the same for Beth. A girl that was ready to kill herself in season 2 and is now a heartless young girl that didn't even feel anything about her boyfriend dying at the start of the season just shrugging it off like it was nothing.
I guess the thing I want to know is if you were in the same situation would you be able to do the same could you kill a child like Carol feeling no remorse even those you knew what she had done, because I know that she had committed murder but it was still Lizzie at the end of the day. I know that I wouldn't be able to so let me know in the comments.
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