Saturday, 5 April 2014

Captain America Winter Solider - Best Phase 2 movie and of all Marvel Movies to date ??


So I just got back after watching the winter solider which may I just say now if you haven't watched the film then don't read this until you have watched it as I will be going through the movie and thier will be full spoilers through out. I will be doing a separate post on the post credit scenes as well which were probably the mossy interesting from the phase 2 movies. 

Right if your still reading then first off I just have to say that I give marvel a round of applause because they have managed to make the prefect heroe movie in my opinion. The first 15 minutes of the film feel like a great old fashioned action movie it felt like I was watching the first Die Hard movie. Those first 15 minutes made me realise quickly that I was on for a winner here and on for a treat of a film. The brilliant thing about this film is that while it's called Captain America he gets no more amount of air time then Nick Fury and Natasha (black widow) who may I say once again Samuel and Scarlett give brilliant preform case in the roles. It was great to see Nick fury get his first real outing in a marvel movie as the others have been more side line stuff. But straight from the word go they give you the indication that things aren't right that Sheild is hiding something and if it's got Nick Fury scared that it has to be something worrying. 

So to just give a quick run through of the story as I see it and where I think that it's left us going into Avengers 2 and Cap 3 because it's obvious from the end of this film it will have an effect on Avengers. Also this film is full of references to the other avengers and some sly ones that I think you aren't meant to notice straight away. So a quick run down Cap, Natasha and a team of agents are sent into get rid of pirates holding sheild agents captive on ship just off he cost of emeny lines. Cap saves the crew like he does but finds Natasha was given another mission by Nick sperate to the team to retirive vital Sheild information. Which leads to the realisation that Sheild has been compromised and that it is no longer safe or looking to protect the innocent more take them over and obliterate anyone that stands in their way. Led by Quince played by Robert Redford who may i say is amazing in this film he's brilliant as a villain and terrifying to boot I certainly wouldn't be seen messing with him. It's soon realised that Hydra compromised Shield have have taken them over leading to Cap, black widow and Falcon to take out Shield and stop them before they obliterate after the worlds population. Again what's great about this film probably one of the high points for me is the first time we see Falcon is action it's so cool and just seeing him flying around dodging missiles firing at the winter solider taking him on he makes a great addition to a already massive universe of characters. 

So what I quickly realised about this film is that it isn't like other Marvel films it doesn't keep to that norm like Iron man and Thor where it's a single plot point I know what we have to do, i know how to solve it so let's go. Winter solider isn't like that and in some ways it's a benefit to the film that it isn't because there are a lot of times in that film until the last 45 minutes where they don't know what thier going to do. There are many times where I was sure we were going to be looking at the death of Natasha and Cap because they certainly made it out like that. Unlike iron man and Thor where they feel invincible cap isn't Rogers isn't he feels human and it makes the film feel more real and not so comic booky. What I like about this film as well is that they don't dwell on the events of New York they leave that in the past this isn't about what happened there this is his movie so leave them out. Which I think is the problem with Dark World and iron man 3 is that they dwell to much on the avengers movie and don't just stick to them. This is the caps second outing and they have sweet moments of that he still is trying his hardest to adjust to to world and adjust to being in the 21st century. They don't just leave it as that oh well he's been out long enough he knows everything he needs to see now which I though that might do to save time. They have him writing things down in his little book of events, films and programming that he needs to catch up on that he's missed. Which if your in the states, the Uk or Australia certain points will be diffrent and presific to that country. So I'm from the Uk so he had written down Sherlock and the 1966 World Cup final why them to things I don't know. It seemed kinda strange to me to do that he is American after all what interest does he have in watching a football match or Soccor for my over sea cousins. 

So why do I think this is the best marvel movie to date because they stripped it back to its bare minimum of that you don't need all the CG here there and everywhere to make a great solid movie. Tall you need is brilliant writing, a great cast and some great set peices which to be honest this film ain't short of. They strip it all down to the bare minimum keeping the jokes to shuttle ones here and there the best being between Rogers and Natasha they spend most of the film together and have some great back and forths. The main joke of the film being why he doesn't ask this girl from accounts out for a date that even keeps on till the end of the movie. Where you have this moment of will they or won't they because there is an obvious sense of attraction between both of them I mean who wouldn't stuck with a guy like him all that time even I wouldn't end up saying no. But they manage to wrap up plot points from the first Cap film and bring back Hydra into the story who I was sure after the first film that they would just end up being a 1 time threat. They also manage to do what they need to do which is set up Avengers 2 and give Cap a goal for future outings and show that maybe Hydra might turn out to be the creators of Ultron. Now both phases have their stand out film the first Phase is the first iron man movie in my opinion and in Phase 2 it's winter solider. Now I know that we still have guardians if the galaxy and that they are both in the same universe but I still don't see it topping this film in any way. 

The film has a brilliant cast behind it in a lot of ways Chris Evans is stuck on the side lines to  let through the stand out preformances by Robert Redford and Scarlett Johannsson show shows no signs of being any less cool. But while I say that it doesn't mean he doesn't give a brilliant performance because he does I think it's his best preformances as Cap. That's mostly due to the fact because you can tell that he's settled into the role he knows what the character is and who he is now and where the character is going. I applauded Evans for taking on this role because he had a lot to prove after the fantastic four movies and that he could play a real leader which he managed to do very well here. He shows why he isn't ones to be messed with and if you get in his way he won't be afraid to stop you. My other high point and last point is the suit how great is the suit going back to the classic suit makes him look cool brutal it looks more like battle armour like he's ready for battle. Which in Avengers he didn't it felt like they had gone to much for the comic suit and not tried to bring it into the 21st century. 

The film is brilliant in everyway there is not a bad word that I could say about it I have never watched a Marvel film where I have not blinked because I just don't want to miss a bit of the film. It's made for a great outing and has left the whole universe in a better place now then iron man and Thor did I feel. I feel like it's heading in a better direction now and they have set the bar for where all over Marvel films have to reach. I just hope that they keep up with this pace and quality in their future films and to be honest I have no doubt that they will. 

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