So this weeks episode was probably the weakest and hardest hitting episode this weak and it just proves that even the weaker issues of the show can be just plain amazing. So this week was all about Roy being as he's gone a bit mental after them finding him last week strapped to that contraption making a dozen super soilders. Also Roy hasn't been the same since he was injected with the miracurue so having more of it injected in him and making him a human blood doner van is certainly enough to mess anyone up. But on the plus side this week there wasn't any island flashbacks instead we had some brillaint Moira scenes from 7 years previous.
So let's start with those flashback scenes as I feel that they were some of the better parts of the episode but they only really become clear and feel like they have a point to them after the episode has finished. So the flash back involved Oliver admitting to him mum that he cheated on Laruel with a young girl and now she's pregnant with his child. (Naughty boy Oliver how many women did you cheat on her with) But like I said it was hard at first to understand the significance of these scenes other them a caring mother that is just trying to right by her son. But as the episode gets into the last 10 minutes those scenes become clear that she will do anything for her son and daughter if it means thier safety and is what's best for them. So can we just say it now R.I.P Moira well that was a shock twist this week I wasn't expecting that I thought that this was just going to be one of those weak episodes as they set things up for the bigger picture. But boy was I wrong as that speeding car slammed into thier limo I quickly realised that I had got excited about Slade not being in the episode to quickly. Those last 10 minutes are what saved the episode for me because if it wasn't for that last scene I would have easily called this episode a write off as nothing else really happened in the epsiode. But back to Slade he decided that Oliver must pay for what he did to shadow all those years ago by order of ghost shadow of course. It makes me wonder if that's why they are all a bit crazy because thier like the kid from the Six Sense they see dead people. So he gave Oliver the same choice he was given before but this time choose which one lives your sister or your mother. Which was sick, twisted but damn did it make for some great watching. It was also the point that his mother realised that Slade was on the island with Oliver and that's where the grudge and the hate comes from. Was a busy week for his mother she deliberated whether or not to bow out of the mayoral debate, admitted to her son that she knew he was the arrow and tried to patch things up with her daughter. But unfortunately all of this never came to pass as she did the only thing that she could do sacralise herself for the safety of her children. It was a real shock for me it wasn't something i suspected in the slightest and I was surprised at how upset I got about her death. But that's something great about the show they can just throw out these shock moments that you won't expect coming in the slightest. (Just keep them coming) But like I said its after her death that the flashback scenes really become clear and show themselves to have a real purpose. That no matter what she would do what's best for her son to give him a better life and keep him safe even if that means giving up her own life. Great flashback, had a point and keep the island stuck out worked so much better.
So let's go on to the weaker part of the episode this weak involving the wild goose chase that was looking for Roy who escaped from them after waking up from his sedation. Now I don't know whether I was he only one that felt this but I didn't get it or what the point was of him waking up and running amuck. I mean those two poor police officers and Seth who got a slap in the face for the trouble of trying to be a good friend. For about half the epsiode I was really behind the whole looking for Roy thing because I thought we would find out what's making him do this. That's until I quickly realised that there was no reason for why he was doing this and other then that he was just completly mental now. I think this whole Roy chase was less about finding them and more about splitting Oliver and Sarah apart. Which works for me really as I feel that's she's really run her course in the show and as she left she said she's going to see an old friend. So I'm guessing she's going back to the league of assassins well that's the only explanation that I have for it anyway.
But like I said I think this whole Roy chase was defiantly less about finding Roy and more about Oliver and Sarah and showed them just how diffrent they are. That they have very diffrent opinions on how things should be handeld as she prepares or end Roy's life once and for all. Which I wouldn't have been crying if he died he's another character that I feel has very much run his course. He's like the annoying kid in the back of the car constantly questioning everything so to say I was begging Sarah to get rid of him was an understatement. It would have also made for a much stronger epsidoe if they had killed him off also this week it would have given Sarah much more of a motive to leave. It them would have also meant that the whole episodes chase for Roy wouldn't have felt like it was for nothing as they spent all that time looking for him just to put him back where we started at the start of the episode. It felt like de ja vu or groundhog day that we were just watching the same thing happen again but with things going wrong in which Sarah left. It was a slow epsidoe really this week and it didn't really move the plot along in anyway it slowed it down more then anything. But like i said all that saved it was those last 10 minutes and the death of Oliver and Phias mother it was a shock and something that's actually made the epsiode feel it had a purpose.
This must be the shortest review for a show I've done lately but with so little happening in the episode and nothing really happening in the plot to move it along. So there's not really much to talk about his week other then that I feel that if there wasnt that death at the end of the episode then I would have classed this epsiode as a write off. Roy chase was pointless and ending with them in the same situation as they started in with them only then deciding to use a powerful sedative to keep him under. I would have used that on him straight away even if it was only to keep him quiet for a bit but like I said missed opportunity there not killing him off whould have made sense for him to die then. But RIP Moira it was a fitting send off for a brilliant character that i will miss in the show and her flash back scene were the best part of the episode.
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