So I was looking at a list of the big summer movies that are due to come out over the next few months and I realised that there really isn't a massive amount of great movies. So making this list took a lot so how the hell I made 20 I don't know know (are be honest a few are on here just to make up numbers) enjoy Ive got all of the posters down the side as well for you to look at:
20. Hercules

So I will be honest with you now I had never heard of this movie up until a few hours ago and the fact that its only a few months from release blows my mind. So I watched the trailer for this today and I didn't really get the point of the story in any way. I always remember Hercules being this legendary warrior but in this he's some loner that screams his name at the end of the trailer.

The film looks like clash of the titans the remake not the original which is far superior and actually worth watching. I don't know if any of the team that made clash or wrath of the titans worked on this film because if they did that would make perfect sense. Its going to make a good amount of money I am going to guess its Dwayne Johnson kicking the crap out of guys so its going to. But will it be any good I really do doubt it I would take this film with a pinch of salt. But it comes out later on this year so it counts as a Summer movie so I have to include it on the list. But will I be watching it myself probably not.
19. Trancendence
So this film doesn't really count as a Summer movie but I thought that I would include it because it does look quiet promising and interesting. I mean come on its Johnny Depp with his head in a computer and Morgan Freeman speaking his words of wisdom that they shouldn't have done it. Great words of wisdom just that its a bit late for those words maybe if you told them before he was half dead on a table then they would have listened. The basic gist of the film is that Johnny character and his wife or partner were working on the miracle computer AI programme when he becomes ill and is about to die. So they stick his mind into the computer and he becomes a monster.

18. A Million ways to die in the west
So this is the next big directing role from Seth Mcfarlane after Ted which he starred in as well but this time he's actually on screen not just a animated bear. I actually don't really get the plot of this film which to be honest I'm not sure there is one other then the name you can die a million ways in the west so lets make many jokes about it. It has a great little cast behind it so after Ted I don't doubt his ability to make me and many other people laugh.

17. Neighbours
Seth Rogen is back on are screens again bringing us what looks to be another brilliant comedy if This is the End was anything to go by. He's written another comedy which looks to be just as funny Seth has come on in the last few years to
be one of the funniest actors on the big screen. The film if you can't tell from the poster stars Seth as a parent with his wife and child looking to see new neighbours are moving in next door that turns out to be a fraternity house. 50 young college lads what could possibly go wrong??
But the film does honestly look funny Zac Efron has shown in the past that he can do comedy and be funny and has stepped away from those High school musical days. Also its got Seth dressing the kid up as Heisenberg from Breaking Bad with his blue meth in a cup its funny and the trailers funny so I have no doubt that were in for a good time with this one.

So were getting a sequel to 21 Jump Street I'm not sure about this one whether I like the fact that were getting a sequel or not. The trailer makes a pun about the fact that its called 22 Jump Street by moving them across the road to 22 Jump Street. I haven't got anything against the first film it just didn't do well on a second tim round of watching it.
Also I think its the same basic story as the first film just that this time Jonah Hill is fatter and their going to college so enjoy if you want to.

15. The Purge: Anarchy
I loved the first one and found it quite different and interesting so was excited to hear that there is going to a be a sequel. Will it be as good as the first film because we know what to expect from this film now if you have seen the first one well who knows. What does sound promising those is that they are showing up what we wanted to see from the first film…..
The actual purge in all its glory not having it take place all in a house with creepy people in their masks.

Right this is going to as short as possible actually you know what this one will just be bullet points.
- Looks like Alice in wonderland again just stop Disney
- No really just stop now with all the gothic stuff you can't do it.
- Angelina Jolie looks hot those (I'm a man shoot me)
There you go short and sweet not even worth my breath really.
13. Amazing Spider-Man 2
So I'm actually scared for this film because i was just reading some of the reviews for this film today which I never normally do. But its not doing great at the moment is it really and I have this sad feeling that we could be looking at another Spider-Man 3 fiasco again. You remember that film right or did you do what I did just burn it out of your mind and keep it out so you never have to think about it again.
You never know those it might just be reviewers getting bitchy about a hero movie because they couldn't do it with the winter solider so lets wait and see.
12. Edge of Tomorrow
Ok can I ask and please just tell me through Twitter if you do get the point of this film because Im going to say what I think that this film is. Its GroundHog day set in a SCI-FI age basically what I think happened is this….
They asked Tom Cruise to do a Groundhog remake and he said yeah but can we get some of my religious beliefs in it and they said yeah ok but were paying you less. Thats what I think happened got some great set pieces those and those mech suits are pretty sweet.
Its just a film with a load of old bastards that are well past their time really isn't it but thats why I like these films sadly its like one of those guilty pleasures. I will watch it but will I like myself for enjoying it probably not no. The mixture of the old and the new is interesting but what I would love to see is it just finish with them in the care home. Just a load of old bastards telling their warm time stories.
10. The Fault in are stars
Get your tissues ready people and be ready for a cry because there won't be a dry eye in the house if this film has its way. I will be honest I haven't read the book but know that its meant to be a very good book with a touchy story behind it. I certainly think that the film looks promising and somewhat enough for me to cry which isn't hard with a lot of films.
9. How to train your dragon 2
Dreamworks are showing that they know how to make a great sequel its looking promising with another touching story behind it and some great comedy. Its certainly looking better then some of the stuff that we have gotten from Pixar in the past am I right or am I right.
I just really hope that they manage to make it what I loved about the original a family story with that wow factor about it seeing those dragons and the battle scenes were all great.
8. Transformers Age of Extinction

7. Jersey Boys

6. Dawn of the planet of the apes
After the success of Rise its hard to imagine how they are going to top it with this film and to be honest as long as they give us a film just as brilliant I'm happy. I mean come on its got apes with guns theres nothing more that you could ask for is there really other then that oh and some apes on horseback that will be fun.
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

4. Sin City: A Dame to Kill for
I don't have to say much about this film other then just go and watch it when it comes out the first film was amazing and this film is looking just as good if not better. Its got the original cast back (apart from the dead ones) and some new additions to the cast making up a brilliant summer movie.
3. X-Men Days of Future Past

2. Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel are looking at one of their biggest blockbusters ever with this film really aren't they lets be honest they are. Its going to be another billion dollar movie on their hand and they will have yet another group of heroes to add to their growing pot and money pit. Its just behind my most anticipated film to watch this summer and only by a margin but come on its got a talking racoon and Vin diesel as a tree what more do you want.
YEAH GODZILLA easily one of these best trailers for a movie that I have seen in a very long time and it does just look brilliant they haven't taken away that original look for Godzilla which is great. It has a great cast behind it the visuals in the film are stunning and look great I would recommend watching the trailer very much because it doesn't spoil anything because come on how do you ruin Godzilla really. Its going to be the biggest blockbuster of the year and I just can't wait to see the film next month when its released.
That my 20 films to watch and before you say anything I know that the posters weren't with the points and films that they were meant to be with but I included them so just be happy I remembered to.
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