*Spoilers for the epsiode follow*
Is it fair to say at this point that if you ever end up finding yourself in a jam while you live at Alexandria never turn to one of their people for help because they will just leave you behind. The biggest take away I found from this epsiode was that Rick taking over might just not be such a bad thing. I had the same dilemma in the comics and this just put the nail in the revolving door for me. (Sorry I had to)
Anyone that has read the comics will know that the people of Alexandria aren't such good people as they first make themselves out to be. They are liars, cowards and wife and child beaters. Can we just talk about Pete first before we get onto any of the heavier shit from this episode. That confrontation between Rick and Pete over a beer was fantastic because we had to watch Rick hold back from just beating the living shit out of him or ripping his throat out. Depends on the day really. But since the group came to Alexandria they have been giving subtle hints that this man is a bit of a monster and who better to finally figure it out then Carol former sufferer of it herself. Anyone that has read the comics like me should really be finding themselves scratching their heads because Carol wasn't there to tell Rick this in the comics. So maybe they might go down a diffrent direction with Pete in the show which won't be a bad thing. The warning sign this week for Carol was that this kid would rather spend all his time with a woman that threatened to tie him to a tree and that no one would see him again then go home. I just hope that now that Carol knows what's really happening in that house that she gives the kid a break and gives him those damn cookies that he wants. He's just a young boy wanting cookies Carol give him a break. While the ending to this epsiode might seem drastic let's all be honest there's a part of all of us that wanna see that crazy Rick rise back to the surface again. Sorry Pete but your ass is dead!
Talking of the end of the of epsiode and how you can't trust the people of Alexandria, you can say the same for certain Father as well. Now I'm gonna put it out there that I don't like Gabriel and I never have. Just find that he is a bit of a coward and he's doing what he's always done run away from his problems and pile them onto someone else. This week he piled them onto Deanna while Maggie stood on the stairs listening to every word, nothing good ever comes from snooping Maggie. As Gabriel told Deanna something that I feel was running through her head already that the group can't be trusted and that they have done terrible things. But it made me think Father Gabriel isn't exactly squeaky clean right? He was the man that let people outside die just so that he could save his own skin and would rather hide away in his church like a coward. But of a hypocrite really. Spend felt like one of those presidential campaign videos (hear me out I know you think I'm crazy) but in those videos they show the opposition doing stuff that shows them in a bad light and why you should vote for this person because thier change that. Well that's what it felt like with the people of Alexandria they are the opposition while Rick is the man looking to be voted in as the new leader. While we won't see anything like that in the show it did just make a greater case for a Rickdictatership or a new goverment if stronger people. As we get closer to the finale something that's been promised to be both shocking and brutal I think a Rick dictatorship isn't to far away after all.
Ever since the group came to Alexandria they have gotten the feeling that they don't belong there and that they are to diffrent from the rest of them. N for the most past they are right about that because they know how to survive and what it takes to get things done in this world and most importantly there not cowards. The same can't be said for the guys working on building the wall.
Abraham a man that I thought was on the verge of breaking last week and at the start of this epsiode just turned out to be a hero and a leader this week. I won't dwindle on him for two long because there's something much bigger we need to talk about that happened this week. But Abraham the walking tank was a stand out part of the epsiode this week, when he used that ball on a chain to smash walkers heads in it was like something out of a video game. Which brings me to something we go more into later but the gore this week was some of the best that this show has done. This season has upped the gore factor and I hope that it doesn't stop there and just keeps on going up from here. Walking dead is a horror show and this week felt like that more then it has since Tyrese's death (R.I.P Tye) But back to Abraham he saved a soon to be key member of the cast that's all I will say as long as they are going down the comics route that is. But he turned into the Abraham that I know from the comics and that is a massive thumbs up from me for the guys at Walking dead this week. Spend just hit all its marks this week pulling no punches on the gore, horror or character development. Sticking to these smaller and shorter scenes between characters really works for this show and if they keep on this path. Well then this show will stay as the top show on television for a long time to come.
Now let's get to the supply run crew shall we because that's where the biggest shock moments really happened and the gore that I was talking about just broke the meter. What's great about Walking Dead is when it does gore it goes all out and doesn't hold back. So when Noah met his demise this week and you watched as the blood hit the glass and his cheek was ripped from his mouth it was disgusting was utterly brillaint at the same time. Not many shows do practical effects as good as Walking dead so when we get effects as good as that it's hard not to just praise them, even it it did come at the cost of Noah. So poor Noah was looking to become an architect and help with the building of things and the wall, it was great to spend time with Noah this week. Mostly because the writing was so good that it made you fall in love with his character so that when he died it hit harder then it would have if they hadn't focused on him at all up to this point. Nicholas was bound to try and do something to save his own skin at the cost of the others and it just brings the fact that the people of Alexandria can't be trusted back to the forefront. While Noah's death was sad the person I felt for more was Glenn this week as he stepped up and did what Abraham did for the guys at the wall be a leader when they needed it. Glenn this season has really come into his own and take up that leadership role so maybe we could be looking at the new leader of the supply runners. The person that should be watching his back now those is Nicholas which is why I believe when Kirkman says that the finale will be brutal. Everyone is out for blood and Nicholas is easily reaching the top of that list now after the stunt that he pulled this week. Glenn's cry for help that could be heard in the back ground this week was bone chilling as they reached Alexandria.
Spend was very much about the group standing up and being leaders, helpers and heroes and on all bases they blew it out the park. It's hard to find something had to say about a show that manages to give up a epsiodes like this that show just why routing for Rick and the troupe really is the right thing to do. Talking of heroes one quick mention to Eugene this week who stepped up and saved Gleen and we can hope Tara it was a great moment for Eugene as a character. It helped also show the difference between him and Nicholas a man that was a coward and couldn't step up when it mattered most.
Spend punches out all the bases and while I will mourn the passing of Noah it wasn't unexpected and he got one of the best deaths on the show. For a character that wasn't part of the show for very long I see his passing having a lasting effect on how the group deal with the people of Alexandria. I can't wait to see where we go next week as we lead into the finale, all I can say is that no one is safe at this point and that is brillaint.
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