Monday, 28 April 2014

Game of Thrones "OathKeeper" Review - HODOR!


So after last weeks controversial episode that had everyone talking and has only just really died down over the last couple of days it was great to get back to a sense of normality this week. What was also great and it was a highlight of the episode this week was that Sam was hardly in the episode this week but even when he was he was still annoying. His small scene how ever long it was just made his decision last week feel even more pointless and not really needed but he had a scene with Jon which are very few and far between as of late. 

Let's start with Jon Snow he probably had the most screen time out of any of the cast in the episode as he taught the newest recruits to the watch just how to fight when it comes to a wildling. Which to be honest when you saw the recruits when the wildings do storm the wall they aren't going to be of much use. Now while it wasn't some of the most exciting scenes this week for Jon it was all for a purpose as Jon was tasked with going back across the wall to take the fight to the Wildlings. Which does make sense seeing as they can't just wait around for them to come fighting them seeing as the watch have Sam who is useless and a young child thier not exactly the scariest army of men. While it wasn't amazing and some of the scene could have been cut down to the bare minimum I find that this show has become accustomed to re telling us information over and over just to keep are minds afresh. So hearing them remind Jon of Ygirtte and the Wildlings you wonder if thier ever let that go and relaise that they have a greater fight ahead mainly hundreds of Wildlings storming the wall. The one stand out part of this week for Jon was when he spoke to Locke who cut off Jamie's had if your remember and we last saw looking at a disfigured Theon GreyJoy. It was good to see him again this week as he's evil and can be a monster but manages to keep it under wraps with this persona of just a simple man. So as he got close to Jon this week and asked him about his mother it made me wonder if were going to to see just who his mother is soon. Obviously I have t read the books so that is all just guessing but you never know we might do. 

Let's just get the minor cast of the episode out of the way as it was as short as it was great and by this I mean Magerey again I apologise for any names I spell wrong. But she had a small part this week playing the grieving widow while her grandmother did her normal thing of being a bitch which I lover her for. We also got the subtle idea that she was involved in the murder of Joffery which come on if you have a brain then it was obvious that she would. But it was just great to hear her tell her that she wouldn't let him marry her she wasn't going to let that monster Ben husband and it's perfect murder because all the eyes are on Sansa and Tyrion. But it's also the soon departure of her grandmother from kings landing and I just hope it's not the show as well because she has been a great memeber of the cast and had brilliant scenes with people such as Tywin for example. Who we didn't see this week but he's to busy getting ready to send his son down for murder so there's no surprise there really is there. But back on Margery she had one other scene this week as she sutblely entered the future kings room and had a little chat with him and planted the seed in his mind. When a young boy of his age is approached by a beautiful woman like her it's not hard to see why he fell at her feet it's devious and smart was brilliant to watch. But what did she do to get past these supposed guards that were at the door flutter her eyes and he fell at his feet also. Or maybe it's just Jamie being the less then caring father that has more important things on his mind. 

Ahhh Jamie I don't know how I feel about him this week mostly because it just all seemed like water under the bridge this week and there was no aftermath after what he did to his sister last week. Well it all seemed water under the bridge to Jamie anyway as he got on with his duties as normal. While I feel that at the end of last weeks epsidoe there was a lot of people in anger about that scene and I won't go into it because I think it's better to just move on with it then dwell on it anymore. What I found this week is it's almost that redemption story for Jamie again this week not so much with the cast but with the fans getting them back on his side. I think it's something that just comes with the writers that they have for the show that obviously new that the scene would make him hated, and this was thier chance to make us realise that he is a good man really. Just that when you have been away for so long from the woman you love (even if it is your sister) you want that connection with them again just not next to your dead sons body next time. I did find myself not so much hating him this week as I was back to liking him watching him do the right thing and keeping his oath that he made to Brienne. Where obviously the name of this episode comes from OathKeeper because it's the name that she gives to her brand new sword to remember Jamie who I get that feeling she had started to fall for. Jamie had a busy time this week those as he was just about everywhere in Kings Landing meeting everyone e and setting his own plans in place. He had a great scene with Tyrion this week who Peter Dinkalge you can't fault can you really. Whether he's in the shoe for 5 minutes or 20 he's always utterly brillaint. But it was great to see Jamie sticking by his brother and believing him that he had nothing to do with his sons murder. Which when Tyrion said that Jamie showed signs of disgust in his face like even he hated the young boy that was his son but you know like father like son it's no wonder where he got it from with this family. But just mentioning Joffery quickly I still partially miss him in the show it still feels like there's that hole that can't be filled by anyone but him because he was just that character that the fans loved to hate. But just keep Jamie on this redemption path and e way he is now because having his motives go up and down like a rollar coster each week just doesn't make for good screen time. 

But going back to Sansa we saw her again this week in the short but sweet scene that it was I found that this week that a lot of the cast were in short but powerful scenes that just got to the point. She had a great scene with Little Finger as she came to realise that he had some part to play in the death of Joffery and so did her necklace. Or so we think because we did get that subtle scene with Margery and her necklace so who's to say that it wasn't hers that delievered the poison be even more awkward that killed by his own wife. But back to Sansa she is now on her way to her aunt where Arya is heading also so we could soon be looking at the two sisters finally being re united that would be nice see so,ethi g going right for the stark family for once. It was short and sweet but can tell that it's just the beginning of something bigger because like Sansa said why kill a king without a motive who said he doesn't.

The Queen of dragons Danerys was back again this week as we picked up basically where we left from last weeks episode as she freed more slaves of thier chains. It was a great start to the episode and just good to get it out of the way straight away while we still remembered what was going on with her. With so many diffrent cast members all up to thier own things it's hard to remember everyone at times even when she is a queen of dragons. She just gets scarier and more intimidating each week doesn't she I certainly wouldn't be messing with her. But we got to see her form of justice as for every child pinned to a cross sign she placed one of the high memebes of the city. It was just what you would expect from this woman now as she starts to get darker and darker each week but nothing wrong with that when your doing it for the right reasons right? My faviroute part of the episode and it's because it was scary and dark and it was at the end of this scene watching her look over the city listening to the sound of screams. It was scary and evil but it just works so great for her character and makes her just plain brilliant and reason that I love her in the show. She ain't that frail young woman no more. 

But let's end the way that the episode ended with Bran who finally got some real screen time this were and it reminded me of the premiere epsidoe with Arya and the Hound. It was a good not amaizng  scene for him as he continued his journey across the wall and Jon knows that he is there now so maybe they might meet at some point. Again never read the books so I haven't got any idea and don't really want to know reason I don't read the books don't want to spoil anything for myself. But it was to finally go back to those characters because I feel that they have been in the background for so long that you wouldn't have been judged for forgetting they were there. But I feel Bran was here this week more to give the ex memebers of the watch more of a purpose to the episode as they sat around drinking wine out of skulls and messing about with women till either they died or the women did. So Bran, the brother and sister duo and Hodor went looking to find out the sound of the crying baby. Who if you remember are sacrificed to the white walkers. This is when they find Ghost Jons dire wolf that for some reason I thought was dead but is it only Robbs wolf that is dead so far and maybe summer now. But was i the only one in this scene that felt sorry for Hodor and cared more about him more then what was happening to Bran. Hodor is the one I feel sorry for in this whole situation can't speak apart from his name and is now getting stabbed in the leg and treated like a beast. Bran I hope is become more of a lead cast member now as his story was getting interesting and this week felt more like the baby was the main interest rather then Bran. So why did I say it was like Arya and the Hound scene I said that because it was like the opposite ends of the scale for two stark siblings. One is having great scene, brilliant dialogue and better time of things and then Bran is just the person being left high and dry. 

This week was a strong episode it was great to see that they didn't dwell on the controversial scene last week and just put it aside as something that happened so let's just get on with it. Jamie was a stand out for this week as his remedption story to the fans was obvious as they tried to get the fans back on his side. Bran while it was great to see him properly this week it still just felt like he was put in the episode to give other characters a purpose for being there themselves. Just please give him more of a reason for being there next week as he's just been feeling less and less part of the show lately. With the rest of the cast now getting on with things having dealt wight the death of the king new plans are being put on motion that are looking like we are in for a explosive second half to the season well at least that's what we can hope for anyway can't we. Just bring Bran into it more and who doesn't love seeing Hodor on screen anyway. 

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