Thursday, 22 May 2014

X-Men Days Of Future Past - Review


After years of planning and knowing this story was happening, the many set photos, character photos, posters and trailers Days of Future Past is finally here. There was a lot riding on this film for not only the fans of the films but the fans of the comics who have been craving for this story to be told on the big screen for years. But can I just say that they have heard the hype and they delivered on that hype and more. Giving up not just a superhero movie but a time travel movie hat pushed every character to their breaking point. It was a emotional thrill ride that ended in a climatic action packed sequence that made the previous films in the series look like kiddie films. I will also say stay for the credits for a after credits scene that won't make sense to everyone but its brilliant fan service and exciting and I won't say much more then that.

Right lets get my one and only bad point with the film and its nothing that I feel takes away from the movie I just wasn't feeling it. And that was Peter Dinklage as Trask the creator of the Sentinel's that are the main threat to cast in the present day. Im sorry Peter I love you as an actor and in Game of Thrones think your fantastic but Trask felt very underused in the film I saw his role in the movie as more fan service to fans of the comics. He could have just as easily been mentioned by name or seen in a poster and the film would have still worked he doesn't really get the screen time that he deserved to make me like or hate him. Trask is there to set up Logan's quest in the past but once he goes back in time Trask isn't very much needed anymore he doesn't make much of a difference to the story. I would have liked to have seen him have some dialogue scenes with Logan or the professor but when he is on screen with them he is overshadowed by the characters that we have become attached to and fallen in love with. But thats just how I felt not everyone will feel that way and its less a criticism to the film and its just a personal problem.

But to explain this film its a time travel movie with the x-men imagine back to the future meets Wolverine thats the best way that I could explain it and the cut between Future and past is very good. So the premise for the film is that mutants have more or less been wiped out and the ones that are still alive now live in camps under heavy guard. The only fighting survivors surprise surprise fighting back against this threat are the X-Men who may I just say give one of the best opening scenes to a movie I have seen from a Marvel film. So realising that they are on the edge of extinction professor X has Wolverine set to the past to stop this war from ever beginning saving mutants and humans alike. Thats the best non spoiler plot synopsis I can give because if I say anything more then I will just be giving you spoilers. While the premise for the film might sound confusing and there are points where you will need to concentrate hard on whats happening its been made to be a X-Men film for just about everyone.  But if your not up to scratch with you X-Men movies then watch a marathon of all the previous films before seeing this one because it references back to every movie before it. Some of it being fan service and it is stuff that will make you smile but 90% of it helps move along the plot and just makes the movie even better. If you have ever had doubts on Fox owning the rights to the X-Men movies then you don't have to worry because this is the X-Men movie we have been craving for since X-Men 2. With old cast and new it makes for just a brilliant breath of fresh air for a franchise that looked dead in the water for a while.

So cast lets talk the cast if you were hoping to see quite a bit of the original cast then I'm afraid that your out of luck because they only really make real appearances at the start and near to the end of the film. But each scene is action packed, fast paced, brilliant dialogue and quite emotional at times as you witness each member of the team start to come to their breaking point as they try to win a un winnable  fight. Ian Mckellen and Patrick Stewart make great returns to the series as they now fight along side each other along with Storm, Iceman, Colossus and Kitty Pride who all make a reappearance. Their all great returns to the series and fan favourites it was quite nostalgic watching them all come back on screen and it was great to see them it made me feel like a little kid again watching the original X-men movies. Then along with the new members of the team Blink who makes portals that allows them to jump from place to place (she makes for some crazy scenes) warpath, Sunsspot and Bishop. They all make great additions to the cast however small their role is in the film. Their scenes are great because you never feel like your being suffocated with to many characters their their for a purpose of giving great action sequences which are some of the best from the series to date. If this is the last time that we see the old cast them I'm fine with that because they came back brilliantly in this film and it felt like they never left. But part of me never wants to let the future cast go.

But where this movie really shines and its where we spent 90% of the movie is with the younger cast as James Macavoy and Michael Fassbender make brilliant returns to the series as Charles and Eric. Nicolas Hoult also returns brilliant in this film as Beast and he has some brilliant chemistry on screen and funny scenes with Wolverine which was great to see as they do spend so much of the film together after all. Now I won't say how beast has managed to go back to looking like Hank in the movie as you will have seen in the trailers or why the professor can walk because thats a underline issue in the movie mostly for Charles who is the real star of the movie as its him that has the most to overcome throughout the movie. This film is very much about Charles becoming the hero bladed wonder that he would become but with a little bit of help from a friend. Macavoy shines in this film he's defiantly found his place in the series and he's moulded well into the role and found his feet within the role. Jackman and Macvoy play brilliantly off of each other in the film and they make for some of the best scenes in the film as Logan tries his hardest to teach him what the professor taught him to find himself. To find himself as a hero and the real man that lives inside of him. While the other member of the cast have some brilliant screen time such as Magneto and Mystique but Xavier is the star of the movie past and present as he is the only one that can stop what is going to occur. The professor has a great end scene of the movie that was very sweet and made the whole movie just feel perfect and if you had any doubts of the movie you can put all your worries at ease.

The last point that I have to make is quicksilver who is one of the biggest highlights of the film but I just wish that he was used more then he was in the film. Mostly because he's a breath of fresh air and comedic relief is otherwise what is a very serious movie. I know that this film is very much being used to set up his character for the next film but I just can't wait to see more of him because he was brilliant in this film. The effects used in the film to show off his powers worked great and he's just a young guy having fun with his powers which works amazingly for the film. It shows just why being a superhero and having powers is just meant to be a lot of fun and having fun in these movies is what you really want in a film.

Overall Future Past is absolutely brilliant its one of the best Marvel films for a long time it rivals X-Men 2 as being the best film of the series and I would go as far to say one of the best Marvel films to date. The story is handled brilliantly, well paced and the action sequences in the film are some of the best that I have seen in a film for a long time. While I didn't really feel Trask or like his character it doesn't take away from the film being absolutely brilliant and fantastic. Its a film for any true X-Men fan and a must see and all I can say is come on 2016 because I want Apocalypse now.

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