Saturday, 3 May 2014

Arrow "City of Blood" Review - Slade ain't playing


So it was a sad week for Arrow and was one of the strongest outings for the show for a while I felt. With the grieving cast coming to terms with the death of a mother we saw Slade's plans finally be put into action. 

So we have to start with the funeral the saddest and strongest part of the episode it was a fitting send off for a much loved character in my opinion. It was also the welcome return of Walter to the show who came back out of the respect of his wife. (They were still married at this point weren't they??) But he came back this week and acted as a rock and support for Phia who I felt was dealing with this the worst. Feeling that her mother had died thinking that she hated her and the obvious absence of her brother it was a tough week for her. I felt this weeks episode worked at its strongest because real emotion sadness, anger and hate could be seen on these actors faces. Which I feel comes with working on a show such as this you become a family so losing someone is sad. The show also does brilliantly at making us feel upset for the death of a character. But the two people that really stood out to me were Diggle and Felicity who continues to be that comedic value and breath of fresh air for the show. Felicity was her normal socially awkward self as she talks about how she hated Moira but still felt sadness for her. Which is how I feel everyone was with her character if you liked her or hated her you still felt upset about her death. But the obvious person missing from all of this was Oliver which was represented beautifully in the funeral scene. With the pink rose on the empty chair it was beautiful and represented that person that was missing or hole that couldn't be filled. 

Oliver missing and the search for him was a key plot line this week as the team, Walter and Phia wanted to know where he is. As he wasn't at the home, the base or with Sarah who left last week to go back to the league or that's what I think anyway. What scared me at first is that I thought we were in for the same situation as last week. That they go on this search for Oliver and he then just comes back at the end of the episode with no real feeling like any of it meant anything. But thankfully that wasn't the case this week as Felicity and Diggle went to drastic measures to find their friend. So Amanda Waller returned briefly this week as even she couldn't deny helping them to find him. I think it just shows how scared everyone is of what's around the corner that even the suicide squad leader is prepared to help. (Or she just wants to add him to the team that makes sense as well)  What was great as well was watching Felicty nerd out about the equipment that they have there. She defiantly helped a otherwise serious episode run smoothly. So with all their equipment they find him in next to no time which kept the episode running at a smooth steady pace I felt. 

But before we get to that let's talk about the island we saw a return to the island this week. So if you were missing Sarah from the show you still get your fix of her this week with the submarine scene. They kept it simple this week with the island as the season soon comes to an end so does this seasons island flashbacks. So keeping it simple and to the bare minimum is a must right now and let's just get to when Slade lost his eye already. It's what were all waiting for at this point after all right? 

But they kept it to the minimum with death being the key plot point to the whole scene. It's a horrible dark point but it signifies where they are in the show now at this point. The whole scene was set on the submarine the Japanese one if you remember that Slade almost bled out on. Also what started this whole mess in the present day as well. But using their friendly neighbourhood Russian man they hoped to pilot the sub towards the ship and blow it out of the water. Well that's the plan anyway but you know the score with the island nothing ever goes to plan. My problem with the island is that I see it like Lost it was a good idea at first and started out strong but then the writers lost their way and even they don't know what's going on anymore. So to put it in short terms they planed on using a maned missile to blow up the ship. But that obviously didn't work as it ends with Oliver on the radio to Sarah. Which I wonder is a reference to something to come in the show. Slade did say that there was one more that had to die and he spared Phia's life. So maybe it's Sarah i certainly wouldn't put it past him at this point. They kept the island short and to the point and as a reference to things to come as we maybe see the death of another member of the cast. Sarah, Diggle, Roy or heaven forbid Felicity.

Talking of Roy he was still out of it this week but for how long as they are slowly running out of venom. Not much more really you can say about him this week they kept him out of it which was great. It was more just used as a way to reference Barry again who is still in a coma as far as we know. I think the creators are just going to keep teasing us with this to keep the Flash pilot fresh in are minds. Which you didn't know about yet search it and see the pictures looks promising. 

But the big thing this week was keeping up with just how many people know that Oliver is the Arrow.  Oliver didn't appear until about half way through the episode this week which is never a bad thing. Gives the rest of the cast the limelight for a short time and they all gave amazing performances. But Felicity and Diggle found Oliver in his secondary base slumped against a pillar and certainly not up and jumping happy and smiling. It was here that we were dropped with the bombshell that Oliver was going to give himself up to Slade so that no one else died. So Oliver went to meet his end or so he thought and I think a lot of other people thought as well. But thankfully no Diggle shot him with a tranquilliser dart and brought him back to base. 

This is where he's greeted by Laurel who I had forgotten even knew about him being the Arrow at this point. It's not the greatest secret identity Oliver. But if anyone was going to convince him that Starling City needed him now more then ever it was her as they dropped the bombshell to him that Sebastian Blood knew about his mothers Murder. Which now that he has fitted all the pieces together he's now in a better position with not only Slade on his list now but Blood also. Who someone will have to correct me on this if I'm wrong but is he meant to be a version of the Scarecrow. I only say that because the mask and the voice kinda suggest that's who he's meant to be. 

While Blood is obviously going to meet his demise in these final few episode it's going be a shame to lose him. Kevin Alejandro has given brilliant performances throughout this season of the show. He was like John Barrowmen in the first season to me that actor I wasn't sure would fit in the show and turned out to be brilliant. Blood is that perfect mix of evil and charismatic he comes across as a pure gentleman but underneath is a twisted evil man. But he had a great scene this week with Oliver as he confronted him about the truth. Trying to get him to see sense and see Slade as the twisted mindless killer that he is. But Sebastian gave the point of he wanted to be mayor and Slade gave that to him. So maybe his hidden agenda is only to kill Oliver and Blood was just a pawn used to get him what he needs, control of the city. Blood and Oliver's scene was brilliant it was tense and it was like all the pieces coming together. After so many lies, deaths and deception all the pieces were falling into place and death was upon them.

While Slade was absent physically from the episode he still played a prominent role in the episode. Manu Bennett has given us some brilliant performances this season and just hearing that intimidating voice on the phone it even scared me. He shows why he's to be feared and that is a lot to the praise of Manu who is fantastic and has been since he first appeared in the show. The final scene of the episode really set everything up for me those as Deathstroke's army walked into Starling city. I have a feeling that it's more then the destruction of the glades we could be looking at this season. 

But it was a stronger episode this week from them after the shambles that was last weeks episode. It was a emotional week and we got to see some brilliant character based scenes as they all dealt with her death in their own way. With Deathstroke's army making thier way into the city at the end of the episode I'm excited for the last couple of episodes we have to come. 

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