Saturday, 10 May 2014

Hannibal: “Ko No Mono” Review - Things start to come full circle


 So this week we saw the aftermarth of Freddie Lownes and just as Alanna felt that she was putting all of the pieces together a new twist was about to be uncovered. With Jack becoming very distant from the rest of the cast you couldn't help but wonder what the reason was and why he had started to act this way over the past few weeks. But it all came with the shock reveal as Alanna and us the audience were greeted by the sight that Freddie was still alive as she asked Alanna how her funeral was. Its something that came towards the end of the episode and it makes me wonder just how much Jack has been behind all of this. So Will didn't kill Freddie and its obvious now that Will hasn't been as much of a monster as first thought and all of this is just their plan to get Hannibal someone that has managed to slip from their grasps for to long now.

So this whole season has been very much all about Hannibal and Will as we focus more on their relationship and how manipulating Hannibal is as a character. This week we saw Hannibal let his guard down around Will a bit as he spoke about how he was a father to his sister. Which we later find out that she is no long alive. Which if you have read the hannibal rising novel then you know the circumstances of her death and just how much it shaped him into the man that he became and the reason for why he is the way he is. It was the first time that we saw Hannibal as a real human being and see him and Will become more equals as they looked at each other as those they were speaking to themselves. Which I would guess is all part of Will and Jacks plan to get Hannibal and expose him for the monster that he truly is but who knows they may go in a different direction with it but were see. It was one of the only scenes that we actually saw Will and Hannibal together as this week I felt was very much Alanna's time to shine.

So I have said this previously that I really feel that Alanna has been the weakest member of the cast and that she hasn't been developed in the same way that other members of the cast have. I have also always felt this about the female members of the cast that they have always been the weakest members of the cast. But she finally felt like she had a strong outing this week as her judgements and feelings for Hannibal started to become clear as she started to realise that Will and Hannibal were dangerous, and that maybe it was Hannibal that was fuelling this and she was just to blind to see it before. From the word go this season I have felt like we have meant to feel sorry for Alanna that she is just getting herself mixed up with messed up individuals. But its hard to feel sorry for someone that has been constantly warned that the man she is dating might just be a serial killer so its her own fault for not listening. But this week we saw her mind slowly wander it was subtle but effective as she herself started to put the pieces together on just what was happening here. Which when she finally confronts Jack about all of this and whether he feels that Will killed Freddie he responds with "No I don't" which we quickly find out why. So I wonder if the reason that he hadn't told her sooner for the reason why he was acting the way he was is because he had to find out if he was able to trust her. So once she starts to realise that she doesn't know who she is able to believe thats when Jack realises he can trust her with his master plan. Its great to see them putting these plans into motion this week because it shows that we might see Hannibal being found out by the end of the finale rather then another season with them going oh we got it wrong again. But Alanna may just die in the last episode I don't know why but I feel that now she knows that her hunch is correct she may just be the next person on Hannibal chopping board along with Mason if things go his way.

So Mason played a massive part this week in the episode and it al came to a head when he was dressed in those red medical scrubs which represented blood, death and just plain monstrous acts. Its brilliant to see this week that we have got a brand new villain to hate even those its obvious that he will be fed to the pigs next week its been great while it lasted. We got more of an idea this week just who this man was and just what made him tick and to say that he's fucked up is putting it mildly. He has his own sister mutilated just so that she would have to have a hysterectomy its a very dark and evil step he takes just so that he stays as soul air. He was even prepared to father a child with his sister just so that he would himself have a air to the fortune which was dark twisted and just plain mental. All his scenes this week led to the main conclusion that he was just waiting to be killed by Will and Hannibal the double team. Which I thought was about to happen but it wouldn't have made sense because they we wouldn't have had anything left going into the final episode for this season. But if their was anything that was obvious it was that Will was going to plant the idea into his head that he should take down Hannibal because he has been the one behind all of this. It is almost like Hannibal's children his creations are now revolting against him and turning against him. Which has been a main focus of the season is Hannibal seeing himself as a father to people such as Will as he makes them into his own little creations. Or it could just be that he is protective over them because its the fatherly figure that he has inside him that he is no longer able to portray upon his sister.

All that is obvious is that we are in for a explosive season finale for Hannibal as everything starts to come full circle for the team and everyone else as you can hope that they come to the realisation that Will was right. Its going to be exciting and if the rest of the episode has been anything to go by then we are in for a exciting final episode. Its also exciting to know that we are getting a season 3 of the show so we have more Hannibal action to look forward to next year.

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