Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Game of thrones: The law of gods and men Review - Damn Tyrion you killed it!


Wow well that was something for anyone like me that hasn't read the books I can imagine you were the same and were just in shock that whole of that second half of the episode. Watching as that trial took place all I kept thinking was Peter Dinkalge you are killing it he owned that episode. My only problem with Tyrions character during the show is that I felt that he reached his peak in the first season as he put all his sneaky little plans in motion. But after that he never felt like his character was going anywhere he always felt like he was always in Kings Landing just going through day to day making more and more people hate him everyday. But this week Tyrion was back the reason I fell in love with his character and why he won golden globes for this character was back. While there was other things happening in this episode were get to them last because this trial was the bulk of the episode and it just continuously hit the mark. 

So since Joffery died we knew that this trial was coming and we have all been waiting for this trial even those I haven't read the books I knew about the trial because of friends. So this wasn't a surprise that this was coming but what happened was crazy. So let's start with Jamie who ever since that rape scene that got everyone talking and hating him I feel like he as a character has started redeeming himself again. As he went to thier father who just happened to be the judge of said trial what a surprise your father hates you and he's the judge. But Jamie gave Tywin a proposition if you spare Tyrions life then Jamie will leave Kings Landing and go to rule over Casterly Rock. Which surprisingly Tywin agreed to Tyrion would go to the wall and become a crow of the Knights Watch where he will love out his days. Which was Tywin all over from the very beginning we have always known that he's 10 steps ahead of everyone else, so he was just biding his time because he knows his children and he knows Jamie's weakness is his love for his brother. So Jamie obviously agreeing to this tells Tyrion and you would think that would be the end of it Tyrion can just bide his time in the box till the trials end and get his sentence knowing his head won't end up on a spike. But of course that would just be way to easy if that's how things really went now wouldn't it. 

Two people stood up in the witness box, two people that I thought were Tyrions allies and that would never have betrayed him the first one being Vayres everyone's faviorute deceiver. So having spoken to people about this that have read the books even they have told me that they don't know what his real motive was by deceiving him. What I love about Vayres is that he's like Little Finger he always have this allterior motive for why he's doing these things but he never let's his guard down so his true motive is never clear. But this week he stepped up into the witness stand and showed that he wasn't really a friend after all as he lied through his teeth about Tyrion. But that was just the start of it for him.

Next was Cersei who come on she was going to stand up there and it wasn't such a surprise to see her say what she said seeing as he did promise to kill Joffery many times. But they were all idle threats it's not like he was ever going to be stupid enough to go through with it right??

But the big part of the episode came in the final 15-20 minutes of the epsiode with the final witness who was Shey someone that loved him and he loved her back. But he broke her heart but he did what he did to save her life and as far as he knew she was far away from Kings Landing living out her life somewhere. So that just begs the question why is she still here and did she even make it onto the ship or was she stopped as part of this plan to kill Joffery. Was it Bron (I apologise if that's not you spell his name you know who I mean) did he have something to do with it because he want at the trial after all. And he never went to see Tyrion when he was locked up in his cell because he said at he wasn't aloud to but how much of that was the truth because anyone will decive and turn on you if payed enough by the right people. I think that would make for some great TV and it would be something that I expect from the show especially seeing as he didn't turn up at the trial at all not even to support him. But Shey went onto say that Sansa wanted to kill Joffery for what he did to her father and that Tyrion promised to help her do it and being her maid or hand maiden it would make sense after all. They also have her necklace which doesn't make sense because she was still wearing it when she escaped so it makes me wonder how far this assissination plan really goes. How many more people were in on it then Little Finger and how long were they planning this for and setting all the plans in motion for. Was Margery's grandmother one of the people that were behind it and made sure the wedding went ahead so that they could do it then at the wedding. It's crazy but I'm sure that it's something that we aren't going to find out the answer to for a long long while if the speed at which this season is going at it's certainly not going to be this season of the show. 

But the trial and the episode ended with that crazy and quite scary side of Tyrion that I love because he's just plain evil and crazy when he really wants to be. So by the end of the episode he had completly lost his mind with everyone and everything had just gotten to him so he told the people of kings landing how he felt. Telling them that he saved them he helped save these people and this is the thanks that he gets for that. Hearing him tell them that he should have just let them all die was amazing because it was Tyrion back at his best and he's not holding any punches anymore. Watching him tell the truth about everything tell them that thier beloved Joffery was just a coward and he wished he had killed him. But he didn't because for one thing he's not stupid enough to do it and get caught if he was going to do it he would have made sure he got away with it. So he calls for a trial by combat so who's going to be fighting for him and who's fighting against him. Could it be Jamie and Bron which would make sense seeing as they both have a connection to Tyrion and if even one of them died it would hurt him. Also they have been training together so maybe this was something that Tyrion had planed for and needed both of them to be ready for. But one thing is for sure we are in for some great epsiodes going into the second half of this season it's just sad to think it's getting closer to end again.

We did also see some other characters this week away from Kings Landing the major one of these being Theon who is basically a broken man now he's no longer the man he was once before. His sister came to get him and brake him out but he didn't want to leave because that guy is no longer inside there. His mind is broken and ripped apart and he's now nothing more then a broken man with a broken mind. Which all works into the bastard child's plan (sorry his name is a blank) where he gives him a task that he will go back to castle black and pretend to be Theon GreyJoy. It was probably the only other real interesting part of the episode because it was leading into something bigger going into future episodes. 

The other two things that happened in the epsiode was Baratheon went to the iron bank to set his plans in motion to put the rightful king back in kings landing rather then a child of incest. It's setting things up for another war and attack on Kings Landing but like I said earlier the pace things are going at this season that won't be for a long time. Then the other thing that happend was are queen of dragons started to realise that being a queen of a city wasn't all it was cracked up to be. As she had just over two hundred people that wanted an audience with her and her dragons have grown quite a bit over the last few weeks. I certainly don't remember them being that huge at the start of the season.

But the trial was what made this episode great and it made up for the bulk of the episode and it was very much Tyrions episode. With a trial by combat to look forward to if all we had from now was kings landing scenes then I would be happy because that's where all the good stuff is happening. It's defiantly the place to be if your a character in Game of Thrones.

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