I will say again that if you haven't watched the finale or if you ever plan on watching Hannibal at some point then really don't read this review. It's a shocker of a episode, one of the best peices of television that I have seen in a long time and Hannibal has proved to be the best thing on the small screen at the moment. This whole season has been about Hannibal (Shock) but finding out the truth about Hannibal and Will has never given up on people finding out the truth. So everything led to this as Jack and Wills plans were all set in motion to finally arrest the Chesterpeak ripper and stop Hannibal once and for all. Or well that's how it was planned anyway but anything sounds good on paper but delivering on it is another thing. Mads Miklesen was the star of this episode and the season and I still believe that he gives a better preformance as Hannibal then Antony Hopkins because no matter how evil he is you still route for him. That final scene was fantastically twisted and evil and the shock moment as you don't know who is going to survive if any of them started to become a reality.
So for the last few weeks Will has been tossing turning with his feelings while he knows what Hannibal has done is wrong and knows he has to take him down, part of him wants him to just go and save everyone the trouble. Which is what happens this week as he warns him to leave so that he doesn't have to go down for his crimes. While this show has always been about the relationship between Will and Hannibal this second half of the season has taken that to the next level as their friendship became almost a lover relationship. Which was obvious in this finale as they saw that connection between each other and Hannibal finally felt that he had found someone he could relate to and connect with. Which is why it pains him so much to find out that his friend has betrayed him and been lying to him for so long. Will have Hannibal the choice leave and Jack won't get to you and you can live free or go down for your crimes and be seen as the monster that you really are. But Hannibal being the monster that he is chose for the third option are be free and be seen as the monster at the same time because that's the person I am.
So let's just get onto what people were waiting to see the confrontation between Hannibal and Jack as he went against his orders and chose to take him out either way. Jack was ordered by his superiors that he mustn't continue with his investigation into Hannibal and that they had taken this to far now. Will has mutilated someone as a trophy to get on Hannibals good side and they had faked the death of Freddie Lownes. All to take out one man and all of this under the orders of Jack putting Jack and the rest of his team in danger. Which then caused her to make Jack hand his badge in because he was now a disgrace to the force and was a danger to his team. Will was also then having a team of police sent to arrest him for murder and there isn't anyway he can get out of this one saying that he's being framed by Hannibal. So Will ran and escaped to confront Hannibal and Jack went to do the same thing two is better then one right. Well that's if they had a plan to go in against him together but that didn't work out like that.
Hannibal had worked out quite quickly this week what Wills plan really was and where his loyalties really lied and it wasnt with Hannibal like he thought. It was great to watch as Jack went to Hannibal playing the good cop routine and was in invited to help prepare dinner for the both of them. This scene was in my opinion a award winning scene for both actors as they played out this great scene within minimal dialogue in the scene. It was all mostly done through thier eyes Mads Miklesen as an actor is able to play so much of his character through his eyes and they tell a thousand words. Watching as he offered Jack a knife to help prepare the food that was it I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for one of the, to make thier killing blow. As everything slowed down and it felt like hours passed watching them jump into action take thier weapons in arms to take each other out. But Hannibal being Hannibal he came out on top stabbing Jack in the neck and leaving him for dead in the wine closet. It was like something from the shinning those as Hannibal smashed into the door trying to get in and finish him off for good. It was so great it was tense, dark and scary as Jack opened the door and saw Hannibal runni g at the door it gave me chills. I was scared myself but it was brillaint to watch. This epsiode felt like the end of a show sort of finale it was what shows like Dexter and Lost could have taken tips from Hannibal on how to finish a show and do a good finale. I am so so happy that it's coming back for a third season but if it wasn't I would have been happy with this as the end of the show. I think that the writers of the show had the feeling that there was a chance that tthe show wouldn't come back so they had that plan in place if it didn't. It's a ending that means you are now able to make your own mind up on what you think is going to happen to the characters that are at deaths door because we have been told that not everyone is coming back next season.
My predictions is that while I love Lawrence Fishburne in this show I think we could see the death of his character and Alanna and Abigail and Will will survive. Abigail and Will have massive grudges and connections to Hannibal so they would make perfect people to come back next season and make it out of this alive. But I do know that who ever survives we won't find out until the second episode of the third season of the show. So we will have to wait even longer just to find out who is going to make it out of this alive. Will I feel will be the obvious one to make it out alive because he's a fan faviorute and he's the other main star of the show alongside Hannibal. But then again you could just do a complete jump and go silence of the lambs with the next season and bring in Clarice to investigate the murders and just kill everyone left in the house. It could be a complete refresh for the show it's a long shot but it's defiantly a possibility because I think it's safe to say that no one is safe in Hannibal everyone is on the chopping block fan faviorute or not.
But I feel that Will, will make it next season as that touching and horrid end scene between them was something that I think has saved him for another season. As Will made if to the house and found a dying Alana on the floor and walked in to find Abigail standing there. Someone that I thought and I think everyone else had thought was long dead. But until we actually see a body I think it's safe to say that no one is actually dead for sure. Ur where has she been all this time and for what purpose is she still alive. While Hannibal has been acting stupid for a long time and acting like he wasn't aware for what was happening it was quite clear this week that all of that had just been act for a long time. I feel that he had kept Abigail alive for exactly this moment if it ever played out because he was never going to be able to finish Will himself. I think that the hardest part to watch this week was as Abigial had to take out Alana and Will not because she wanted to but because she had to. Then once she did that Hannibal took her out as well just to tie up any loose ends but Hannibal being the coward that he really is didn't have the guts to finish them off. It was horrid to watch as Hannibal touched Wills face and it felt like he was just saying goodbye to a friend as he was no longer going to see him again. It was a brillaint finale and it's going to take a lot for this show to top what they did this season.
The episode finished brilliantly and it felt like it was something out of a film as we just looked out over blue skies and was almost like it was meant to be a happy ending to the show. And if you had just turned over to the show and had just seen the credits of the episode that you wouldn't have been hard to have mistaken it for a happy ending. But as the credits finished and a plane flew by and we were greeted by Hannibal ona plane to France with who else but Mirium which was a shock and the last person I expected to be there. Seeing as the last time we had seen her she was on Hannibals kill list as he went their to kill her but like I said if we don't see a body then we can safely say that they are most probably still alive.
But overall we were given an amazing epsiode and an amazing finale and it is going to be missed while we wait for the third season of the show. There is nothing on TV like it and nothing that compares to the brilliance of the show and the writing that is behind the show. While it's going to be hard to beat and top what they did this season I have no doubt that they are going to manage it because they did if this season so just bring on season 3 because it certainly can't come soon enough.
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