Monday, 24 March 2014

The Walking Dead - Us (Why does Terminus still feel like a pipe dream??)

So I just finished watching the penultimate episode of this seasons The Walking Dead and its left me feeling uneasy. Did Terminus turn out to be more of a pipe dream and are Joe's group as evil as they looked.

First off I hate to say it but this episode actually made me start to like Joe I came to understand his views of how they live in this world. While Daryl didn't agree with them at first I think he started to come round to the idea by the end of the episode when he claimed those what looked like baby tomatoes. Their not so much monsters more just men trying to survive in a fucked up world where normal rules no longer apply anymore. Listening to Joe tell Daryl the rules and if you don't comply with those rules there will be consequences it made me think for a second that they were the hunters. When Daryl woke up and saw the blood on the floor I expected him to see Joe eating this guys leg or something with the rest of this guy rotating on a spit. But seeing him dead on the ground outside made me feel a bit disappointed that they weren't because it leaves them with a lesser motive for being there I mean sure you want Rick dead but what chance do they have of finding him. And if they do will Daryl go along with them or will he protect his people I mean he did seem like he had started to warm up to Joe and get along with him when they starting walking through the field drinking. So now we have another group heading for Terminus I mean could we be looking at the end of this dream before its even begun.

Talking about Terminus was I the only one that found it wasn't what I expected it to be that maybe just maybe they and us as the audience have been hoping for more then was actually going to be there. Also it wasn't exactly the most secure place in the world was it a rickety old gate and fences I mean if the governor had used his tank on this place just the shock from the tank rolling up would have made it fall down. Its also made me wonder if thats the last were see of Terminus now till the next season that maybe just maybe we might not even see the rest of them make it there. I mean the preview for the next episode showed nothing about Carol and Tyrese so who says we might be looking at them being the next ones for the chop. Or maybe Michonne or Carl might just be going the right way for a bullet to the head Rick did look in shock with blood all over his hands after all he looked the same as when Laurie died. Will be looking at another crazy Rick talking into a phone storyline again because that was fun to watch weren't it .

Talking about Rick were they really needed in this episode we could have easily out two and two together without them appearing here. Seeing as they are the only group that has nothing going on worth air time at the moment could have been put to better use with more words of wisdom from Joe. I know Joe and his group are just there on a temporary basis probably just to give Rick a storyline to make him part of this half of the season. But wouldn't it be great to see a bit more of Joe (not so much the rest of the them) but he became less scary more likeable as the episode came to its climax. It wouldn't surprise me if we do see Daryl being thrust into the middle next week for the finale who does he choose his friends or this new group that feels less like a group and more every man for himself. Which in a world like this isn't it like that for everyone I mean maybe Joe has a point about how they do things it keeps them at bay and if someone lies or breaks the rules you show them why not to do it again. In that poor bastards case it was get kicked the hell out of and have an arrow struck through the head. What I loved about that those was Daryl you saw that bit of kindness that we love about him come through as he picked up the blanket but quickly drain away as he threw it back on the ground. Maybe Daryl might have just found where he belongs he's the younger brother of Merle after all and this group feels like a bunch of Merles all of them have that same sort of view about things. It makes me wonder if the reason that Daryl started to warm up to Joe was because like he said he's an outdoor cat thinking he's an indoor one. He's become so accustomed to being part of a group that stay in one place when he did spend most of his life being on the road with Merle before meeting Shane and then later meeting Rick. Merle did say that he had gone native after all maybe he's looking down on him now or up how ever you wanna look at it smiling that his little brother was learning the way to survive in this world isn't to rely on other people and just yourself.

But back to the terminus situation is this really going to be a permanent situation for the group or will they quickly come to realise that maybe this isn't the best place after all. When the sign said that they would be met by someone I didn't think that they would mean 1 lone woman doing her washing. Im gonna take a stab in the dark and say that she isn't as sane as she looks and that this terminus is nothing more then 1 crazy women's way to make it through this. What I'm getting at is that there won't be anyone else there that she will start walking around introducing the group to everyone and there won't be anyone there. It will just be empty rooms with this woman waving her arms around telling people to come and meet the latest members of the group. But then what if the terminus turns out to be the place where the hunters are staying and their all in their chomping down on a Beth sandwich, because we still haven't found out whats happened to her. And they aren't letting on at all whats happening to with her I guess their can't be much exciting stuff happening with her apart from the odd singing now and again. I just hope and pray that this isn't going to be another season of them sitting around in a new camp just for them to have to move on again because this place seems more of a pipe dream then the prison was which if you read the comics you already knew it was.

But when they mentioned the sign and that the terminus was sanctuary maybe this woman that they met is just one of Negan's many wives it makes sense and has the same sort of look as the building in the comics. Wouldn't it be great for the last shot of this season to be Negan looking out at the group with a couple of women on each arm holding his trusty baseball bat with the barbed wire. Now anyone that hasn't read the comics won't have a clue who this man is but before you start searching to see who he is I suggest you don't because its massive spoilers and not nice to read. That could all just be guess work I would be surprised if they did introduce Negan so soon after Abraham, Rosita and Eugene as we haven't gotten to know them much past this episode. Talking of them it was nice to see more of them in this episode and give Rosita and Eugene more air time so that you got to know them more.

Now SPOLIERS!! so don't keep reading as this is a part of the comics and storyline for the show (just scroll down till I say SPOILERS! over)  ….

Ok I warned you but how long will it be before Eugene finally tells them the truth about Washington and who he is that he doesn't really know where their going. That this cure and cause of the outbreak that he said that he knows about is actually just a lie and that he just said it so that he could save his own skin. I mean Eugene started to show all the signs that he's starting to have trouble keeping up with the lie and even Rosita started see through the lie that Abraham might just go a bit mental when he finds out. I thought that he was going to own up to it a couple of times in the episode because he's never exactly willing to come out and just tell people who he is and where their going is just to save his own skin.  I mean he's never exactly been the most reliable person in the world has he.

SPOILERS OVER can keep on reading now….

So lets just hope that Terminus turns out to be just what they were looking for what to be honest when you have a show like this theres never a place where you can feel safe. With Joe's group now heading for the Terminus as well and looking like they can't be anymore then a day or two days out from there things aren't going to end smoothly. And I've just been thinking back to last weeks episode with the burning corpses doesn't that remind you back to Morgan from season 3 he was burning bodies. He did after all start taking this as his new job since the outbreak maybe he's started moving on to new places. Who says it was him that started to fire and burnt all the corpses or they could just have been something for that episode and the story. I haven't even touched on how convenient it was that Maggie, Sasha and Bob were at the over side of the tunnel but maybe that was just the sort of thing that was going to happen. And it made sense and was a bitter sweet moment when they finally found each other again was the first bit of hope that they had since the destruction of the prison. I just hope that it wasn't a 1 off and this Terminus doesn't become a living hell.

Id like to know if you feel the same or did you like this episode is it leading up for an explosive season finale which to be honest seems like its going to be better then threes was. (You remember that first try the governor had at taking the prison) But yeah let me know and tell me if theres anything you think I missed. N my main question is did you like Joe or do you still not trust him??

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