This mixed with writing that is worse then an episode of the vampire diaries it makes for a show that just feels like an experiment for things to come in the future. With talks of netflixs producing a daredevil tv show and people begging for HBO to take on the punisher maybe we could see something promising in the future. Me myself am begging for a punisher tv show could you imagine having the broad walk empire writers on board to make a show like the punisher dark and gritty. So maybe this show isn't meant to taken seriously as a show and more of a social experiment because it if it is they should have gotten the facts that the show isn't exactly loved across the board. With a awkward and unreliable schedule for when it's on the tv it doesn't really ever give you much hope for the show. There is never a general weekly date anymore for when it's going to be on anymore and with at least another 10 episodes to go there is still no signs of the show getting any better just worse.
So if your watching the show then don't read on if you haven't gotten up to date with to the latest episode of the show but if you have or have no want to watch the show then read on. So to give a brief explanation of the show so far Coulson and his crack team of sheild agents all of them younger then 30 more or less just kids. Which can I just say if you have ever seen any of the films that sheild are in when have you ever see a young kid barely out of nappies part of the team it seems more like a day care then a team of agents with Coulson as chief nanny. So with this crack team of agents that just happen to basically be the best at what they do because if that's the case why their with Coulson and not working beside Nick Fury who knows. But along with his team they are sent to take on many different cases each week being a diffrent case but for the life of me I can't remember most of them their that dull and interesting it just leaves your mind. The only time the show shows any sign of heading in the right direction is when they carry on with the main plot point which is to do with a group called centipede and their mysterious boss the Clare voient. Which up until this point we are still none the wiser to who this person is or what their person and over all goal is for this. My idea is that it's going to turn out to dr strange and their just using this as a way to bring him into the marvel cinematic universe. Then we have the side story of coulsons death and all the mystery that surrounded what happened to him and this magical trip that he had to Tahiti. Which turned out to be memory's that sheild planted into his head when they brought him back to life by restarting his brain with some sort of dead Prometheus looking alien. Again it doesn't make sense and the show shows no sign of bringing us any closer to finding out what the hell was the reason for bringing him back in the first place. My theory's is that their isn't a reason they just knew that he could deal with big kids such as Tony Stark so dealing with a team of young kids wouldn't be an issue for him.
So that's the overall story and as far as we have gotten with it and if you understand it out their and no exactly what is going on then your a smarter person then me, because I don't even think that the writers know where it's going at this point. It feels like the last few seasons of Lost when the writers on that were saying right so what's going on now and the rest of them all look blanked face. I do think that this clear voient will be a reference to something coming up in one of the films or a later tv show which is why I come back to dr strange. They have spoken about it happening for a while now so why not introduce him in this make a easier transition into the universe rather then just dive bombing a movie into the theta hers without any warning. But then again maybe I'm wrong and this whole story could turn out to just be a big F U to the audience and is just being used as way to bring Coulson back into the films. They certainly haven't denied the fact that he might make an appearance in the sequel to the avengers I mean wouldn't it make sense for him and to an extent his team to make any appearance in the films now.
But my idea was why not have Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver be introduced in the show first have it as a Coulson dedicated episode where he is sent back out into the field by himself no longer a secreat that he's alive. Because as far as I know he's still meant to be dead as far as Tony and the others are concerned how they have managed to keep that covered up and out of ear shot I don't know. But here's my idea use the show as a purpose for making way into avengers 2 by having Coulson being sent to find Scarlett witch and quicksilver and have them recruited for the avengers. But then again this centipede group have spoken about how they are trying to make superhuman beings so due to the fact that techniacally they don't have the writes to the x men films it could tie in that way.
But the show at the end of the day doesn't feel like it was ever meant to have legs in the first place it feels like Marvel used it as an experiment to see how well and recieved a Tv show would be. But to have a well recieved show you need to put out something that is gripping and not just some stupid idea they came up with to keep the fans happy. Because that's all this show is at the end of the day a 1 season fan service to the people that loved Coulson and couldn't accept the fact that he had died . So while I don't think that we are looking at a show that has legs we might be looking at something that is a gateway to the real shows that are coming from marvel. Such as daredevil, punisher and why not even go as far as to give someone like hulk an outing on the small screen because his big screen efforts haven't been the greatest successes. Then branch out to their offer heros that they have backed after all they do have a whol massive back catalogue of heros to choose from. What about a black panther tv show after all he's been talked about for a while that he may get an outing at some point on the screen.
So we could just be looking at a big plan that marvel has to dominate the small screen as well because no matter what I say about the show it's got the viewers in the US and the UK. So it's at least turned out a success in them regards so who knows this may just be the start of something massive. We could see a battle on are hands as well with Netflixs set to make a Daredevil show you can be sure that amazon won't be far behind on securing another hero. So if they are black panther won't be a bad one or ghost rider and actually do it justice and show that it can be done right. But what ever the outcome of this show I just hope that it means that we start seeing some more heros making their way to the small screen. Because who doesn't want that at the end of the day.
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