Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hannibal - Mukōzuke Shocking yet satisfying have Will and Hannibal signed the divorce ??

So I only just got round to watching the latest episode of Hannibal which after last weeks exciting tense episode you knew things weren't going to be sunshine and roses going into this one. But just the way that things were left and what happened to her (her name leaves me) it was shocking yet oddly satisfying for the show. Mostly because I have never seen something like that on screen before it was fresh and different and sadistic. But what I realised by the end of this episode is that Will and Hannibal have left the separation phase and filed for the divorce. 

Sounds weird I know but were talking about a pair that became close in an odd way through mutual respect for each other and because they needed each other. Will needed him when he thought that his job was taking him over and sending him mad (which turned out to be Hannibal) and Hannibal found someone he thought he could call a friend someone almost like him. But the one thing that Hannibal wasn't counting on was going for a swim just to be tranquillised hung and have his wrists sliced open. Now my only problem with that scene was that were talking about a man who is probably the greatest serial killer who ever lived able to lead a double life purely through his charm and charisma that makes him a charming man to be around. But the fact that he managed to be almost taken out by a overly loving fan of Will Graham seemed weird and crazy thing is I started to pray that someone was going to save Hannibal. As crazy as that sounds I think what this show has shown is that even those as the audience we know this man is evil and wrong on so many levels you can't help but still love him and route for him. Its the same with Will Graham you route for this man that knows that he's innocent that he's been treated as a mental patient because he was twisted and warped by a man he called friend. So to see Will become so cold to ask someone to kill Lecter was great to watch on screen makes me excited for whats to come. Especially now that Hannibal knows that it was Will that asked him to Kill him it leaves me wondering are we looking at the start of Red Dragon now because Will knows now who this man is. Even when the other members of his former team don't see the signs he knows this man is a cold blooded killer and psychopath and will do anything now to prove that. So could we be looking at the show doing their own version of Red Dragon by the end of the season with Will coming out on top this time instead of Hannibal. 

The one thing I never expected to see going into this episode was that crime scene and the way in which she was carved into slices it was cold and dark but oddly satisfying to see because it just reeked of Hannibal. That man that has a love of the arts and is very precise with everything he does things being beautifully crafted in their own ways whether thats his kills or his cooking. So to see her left like that shocked me and realised that their isn't anyway to ever predict just what you are going to see in this show. But what was brilliant was that cooking scene as he cooks the kidneys and sits their with that sinister smile as he places the first bite into his mouth was cold but again oddly satisfying. Again something brilliant and stunning about this show is the cooking scenes the way they are crafted and shot as brilliant to watch on screen. Their dark and gritty and almost gothic in some ways which can be said about a lot of this show is its very Tim Burton I guess you could say. 

The stand out person in this episode those was the return of Dr. Gidden played by Eddie Izzard probably my favourite character in the first season and was brilliant to see him back again. To see him changed much darker and most trampier I guess now since he has been locked up to just wallow in his own filth for a long long while now. But to see him being used in Wills therapy as it was called which in my opinion it was less meant for therapy and more just to make him look madder. Seeing as their is quite a bit of tension between Giddien and Will seeing as Will did shoot him after all but under Hannibal's influence. I just hope this wasn't a one off for that character and that we see him again because I have a feeling that he could be yet another person with a personal vendetta against Hannibal.  

What I do look forward to now those is that we have just seen the start of Red Dragon its like the sparks of a lighter waiting for the fire to start thats what were looking at now. Hannibal is going to be pissed as to be expected and will want answers now for what he did and could this be their friendship over. Reason I called it the divorce because Will and Hannibal now have left the marital friendship stage, left the awkward separated phase and entered I hate you who gets custody of the dogs phase. Which actually saying the dogs where did those dogs go because if I remember rightly Will was a bit of a hoarder of those dogs. But now that Hannibal knows that it was Will we will see him corrupt everyone that still sort of trusted Wills judgement. We see that in the clip for the next episode so could we be looking at the death of yet more people working on the force because by the looks of things they know whats in his food now. So could Hannibal's Sweeny Todd themed dinner parties come to an end sooner then he hoped seeing as we did see a what looked like a scared Hannibal in the next episode. 

My only problem now is that I hope that the show has planned some sort of ending for this season of the show that benefits a fitting ending just in case the show is cancelled. I said this in a previous post and will just clarify it in this again that no matter how great the show is it is in a threat of cancellation still. But saying that it took till very near to the end of the season for NBC to give an answer to whether or not the show would get a second season so we could still be waiting a good few weeks for an answer to that question. I just hope that its the answer that we are all hoping for. 

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