Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Disney entering an age of sequels and prequels??

So today it was announced that Disney in works with Pixar have begun production on The incredibles 2 and Cars 3 which was announced by CEO Robert Iger. But it made me think have Disney gotten to a point now where nothing is fresh and new anymore that they have to resort to Sequels/Remakes and prequels. I mean no one should be surprised to hear the announcement of Cars getting another sequel being a billion dollar success relatively speaking its no surprise that Disney would want another one to add more money to their bulging pockets. N I'm excited to hear the talk of The Incredibles finally getting a long awaited sequel it has been 10 years this year since the release of the first one but it begs the question how far do they go before we see an original idea from them again.

No one can deny that the last few outings from Pixar haven't been shall we say amazing successes Monsters University yeah prequel and had none of the heart or warmth that made you fall in love with the characters in the original. Then we have Brave fine new idea but not exactly the roaring successes that I can imagine that they were hoping that it would be wasn't exactly the most thought out hilarious story to come from them. I guess this brings me to my point of that maybe were looking at a time that Disney needs new leadership someone with a 21st century vision that can see the kids these films are aiming at aren't kids anymore. We have a brand new generation of children to inspire and why not do that with new content and vision something that isn't just a rehash of a story from 10 years ago.

I guess this brings me to my point of Frozen its the perfect example of brilliant new writing and music thats funny/sweet and charming to watch on the screen. So why not more of that? Why buy companies such as Marvel and Lucas Arts and then not use them to your advantage in brilliant new ways. Why would you rehash and reboot stories that have been done and are over that should be left to stay where they are. I guess that brings me to my point of the new Star Wars trilogy which I have to say now I was never a fan of the series anyway the original trilogy paved a new way for film which I commend but the story never grabbed me. But its a series that is so iconic and has such a following behind it that lives and breaths those films and loves the original story it just begs the question why risk it all. Why risk so much money and talent on producing a trilogy that could either go down in history as a new Sci-Fi master piece or end up being the worst thing to happen to film since well the Prequels were made frankly. Why risk it all when you could be focusing on getting brilliant brand new Star wars show onto are TV's bring back the clone wars series/ create a brand new series with brand new characters hire some of the best writers in the industry to get a new generation interested in Star Wars. Why waste time rebooting a old beloved story that is frankly done and should be left alone.

I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe were looking at a time where they need to bring in some new leadership someone younger who knows whats gripping kids of today and keeping them glued to their TV screen. Why not go back to the days of when Tim Burton worked for Disney bring back the fear factor to Disney with stuff such as Nightmare before Christmas and The black Cauldron fantastic dark stories that scared kids and gripped them at the same time. Kids aren't as easily scared today as they were when I was a kid so why not bring some of that scare factor back to are TV screens the sort of things that made me love film so much and Disney. I find were losing a new generation of kids because they aren't gripped by what their being given to watch anymore. So to bring it back to the point of this rant if you would why bring sequels to the screen of films that kids today as young as 3 and 4 will have never heard of before. I bring up examples such as Finding Nemo brought to the screen back in 2003 (god it makes me feel old) so the kids that watched that way back when are in their 20's now well people like me. So should we really expect anything from these sequels because I think that at this point they have proved they can't make a sequel to save their life unless its called Toy Story.

But I would love to hear what you think should we be looking at new management or is this just something that we should expect from Disney from now on.

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