Sunday, 23 March 2014

Hannibal: Will NBC keep it around long enough to lead into Red Dragon??

Recently I've been catching up with this seasons Hannibal and I read an article about the viewing rating for the latest season and it said that the viewing figures were down from last year.

It just made me start to wonder will we see the show get a long enough run to make it to Red Dragon. With NBC'S track record of cancelling shows during their prime it makes me scared to think that we could be seeing Hannibal going the same way. Even when the show is a visionary masterpiece that is nothing like anything else that is on TV at the moment. The show has a image and style that can't be beaten or compared to anything else on at the moment. It scares me to think that we might be looking at the end of this show in the middle of its prime when they are on the verge of leading straight into Red Dragon if the last episode is anything to go by.

Talkin of the last episode it was probably the best episode of both the seasons and showed just how brilliant the writing and direction is on the show. With the realisation by Will (SPOILERS!) that Hannibal is the person who was causing his seizures and that he might just be the ripper it makes me wonder if were looking at the start of the Red Dragon story line quicker then I thought. Maybe we might see it by the end of the season but at the same time the pace and direction that the show has taken has been brilliant taking the Red Dragon direction of Hannibal in the cage and Will on the outside and flipping it on its head is brilliant. Then with the inclusion of these brilliant cooking scenes of Hannibal cooking cup his latest meal that borderline between being beautiful and quite creepy and gothic it makes for a master piece of a show.

But could we be looking at the end of a show in its prime with a cast of actors that preform some of the performances of their careers and make these characters their own. I mean wouldn't it be great to see this show go as far as to lead into the Silence of the Lambs storyline and into the Hannibal storyline that follows it would make for tense brilliant viewing. I just hope that people start to watch it and give it a chance because it takes the name Hannibal and makes it into a brilliant crime drama. Just make sure that you have a strong stomach because certain parts of this show can be hard to watch and quite graphic at times. But the show does it with quite a charm that makes it brilliant to watch and this is coming from a person that can't stand the sight of blood. N may I just touch on last weeks episode with the human beehive something thats equally creepy and brilliant it made for a shocking/brilliant episode something fresh and new. Then with the shock cliff hanger ending its shaping up to be a explosive season of the show even if it does god forbid become its last. But you never know stranger things have happened and this show won't stay off the air for long when you have a show that is as brilliant as this if it was cancelled no doubt we may see another Ripper Street case and see Amazon pick it up.

But I would love to know whether any of you have watched the show and more importantly did you like it and try and recommend it to your friends because if we can get more people watching it the better chance of it staying on the air. Come on who doesn't want to see the Will vs Hannibal scene from Red Dragon make for some exciting scenes to watch.

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