So walking dead has come to an end for another season and what a thrilling and brilliant season it has been as well may I add. Coming into season 4 after the first episode I had my concerns that it wasn't going to live up to the hype and continue on the steady course it was on. But they managed to prove me and many other people wrong by tying up loose ends and creating brand new even more concerning problems for the group. So may I just say that if you haven't watch the last episodeg h&m go watch it and then come back to this after as this will be heavy on the spoilers for the episode and the season as a whole.
So let's start out with the facts that after the speculation terminus did just turn out to be a pipe dream and nothing more then a group of what seems to be crazy monsters and cannibals. I told you didn't I that I didn't trust that Mary and her BBQ and turned out that she wasn't alone there after all. But what I would have liked to have seen was the aftermath of when Maggie, Glen etc got there and how they ended up in the predicament that they are now all stuck in. But I guess a lot of that explains its self that they most probably got suspicious of these people as well and got stuck in that trailer not long before the others. But I will bring your attention to the fact when rick and the others were running through terminus they ran past piles of bones which did have a strong recongnistion to human remains but I could be wrong about that. So I would also say that we haven't found out what happened to Beth yet but I will say that I still think that she's on that BBQ being put into one of Mary's home made burgers.
Next is Joes group have been take care of and like I thought they would be as well at the start of the episode in a quick and timely manner to get on with the rest of the story. But the way in which they took care of them was brutal and then at the same time oddly satisfying as well. But I'm sure that if things had turned out differently them Daryl would have ended up staying with Joe and his group if he managed to he him to change his mind. I thought what Joe said about Rick was brilliant as well that he is just as much of a monster as the rest of us and how could a man that is like that be left to live. And it made me think that what he says is right and that Joe is almost the words of wisdom man giving out his advice of the ways of the world all the time. But it made me realise that Rick no matter how you look at him is no diffrent to Joe or the governor in fact what ever way you look at it. Because all men in this world are the same they all have that monster inside them and Rick was just about ready to show the monster come out. So when he suddenly ripped his throat out like he did it was like something out of a horror movie like Hannibal lecter biting down on his next meal making him look like another walker. It made me think that they are no diffrent to the walkers that they are all monsters in this world and the more humane members of this world are the walkers because they can't help the way that they are they can't control the way that they are.
What I did love about this episode is that they picked up any old storylines and plot points and wrapped them up and finished them off. Such as the Joe storyline bringing him and his group to an end, the michonne storyline with the two walkers and why she had them on chains was wrapped up. It was great to see a finale to the show where we felt better off about where things were and where the group was going into the next season. With only a few questions still left to be answered.
1. Where is Carol, Tyrese and Judith in this situation because there was no mention or sight of them in this episode which i was surprised about because I thought that they would as least give them an idea of where they were. But maybe that's something to be left for the new season seeing as Carol is basically a 1 woman army. So maybe she will just go in there John Rambo style and just kill all of the people in the terminus and free thier friends. Seeing as Rick has left those weapons outside of terminus just incase that they needed them not to say that they will do them any good now. And unless the terminus group found the weapons they are out there ready for the taking.
2. The second question is where the fuck is Beth at this point I am losing all hope in her being alive and just wonder if maybe we have just seen the end of her that she's already dead. I mean we did see her in the flash backs which I will get onto in a second because I thought they were a brilliant part of the episode. But at this point in the present days of the storyline where is she because Daryl has basically told Rick that she's gone but I think even in his mind he thinks that she might just be dead as she can't survive in this world on her own.
3. Then the final question I think we have been left with is what is the really going on in terminus which wil be the big question for the next season what is going on here and what is thier goal. Because they are told by Alex when they get there that this place was created no more then a month after the outbreak hit. But my problem is if it has been at least a year now since the outbreak in the walking dead timeframe then why is there so few people there. I don't think I could have been the only one that saw that there wasn't really anyone at terminus as far as numbers are concerned you would have through there would have been more. I mean we saw maybe a hundred at most but when they are calling for people to come here for safety you would expect there to be more people there. So I will say that will be the biggest question on the list after seeing that room with all of the candles on the floor like a physcos room before he goes on a rampage. Then if I remember rightly and it might just have been my ears but when they were running through terminus immsure I could here what sounded like people crying for her. So who knows maybe that's where Beth is in there missing a leg or an arm with rest of her on the BBQ.
What's great is that we didn't have that many questions left unanswered with this seaon and it left me feeling in a better place about the show and that it was going back on the right track. I think you got that from the fans reaction to the show as well that it left everyone feeling very satisfied and happy about where we are with the show now. But I will say that cliffhanger those I have never been so annoyed about a cliffhanger before being how tense and on the edge of your seat that they left it. Especially after season 3 finale it just shows how they are trying to almost make up for where they went wrong with the previous season and they have made up with their mistakes. Let's just hope that they keep to this format and go into the next season with a just as brilliant format and story. What I am please with is that we have left this season with much more developed characters even the newer characters to the show like Abraham.
What I did say in a previous post is that in some shape or form in this episode that we would see flashbacks in some shape or form but I didn't think that it would be back to the prison . But it worked and it was a great send off for a much beloved character in the form of Hershel. Who I had almost forgotten that we had lost him at the mid season finale after everything that has happen since it was a shock to see him again and remember just what happened. But the flashbacks were brilliant and great to watch as he gave his words of wisdom about the sort of man Rick can be. Where you come to realise as does Rick that he isn't a leader or a role model or a farmer because he's all of those things and more. Because he realises that he adapts to the situation and will adapt to what is needed to be done. So back at the start of this season he had taken a step back from the leadership role because it wasn't needed anymore he had left the place in a place where he was able to take a step back from things.But then when things started to go wrong he stepped back into the role that he was meant be in for the situation that was at hand a leader looking to same his friends. Which when the group got spilt up became the only thing that he needed to be which is a father to his son and to make sure that his son was safe. Which by the end of the episode I think that it's obvious that he had adapted to the situation at hand which is the save everyone and make sure that his son is safe.
But what did come from the groups meeting was Rick and Abraham finally meeting and showing those signs of two raging bulls clashing heads as they didn't like each other. Even when Daryl did say that we are all friends now you still got that feeling of everyone being on edge as these two very powerful men met and tried to put aside thier diffrent views and work out a plan. Which in Ricks case might just be a bit harder for him then expected as he has come to be custom to not trusting anyone new so who knows how this will turn out. Then will Daryl tell Maggie about what happened to Beth and hoe she's out there by herself now because it will be worse off for him if he does will she speak to him again.
So where does all this leave us going into the new season...
1. Terminus are looking to kill all of them and they have no chance of escape at this point but they are messing with the wrong group of people as they have gotten out of worse situations then this. Also is this the end of some of are lead cast members so are they just looking to keep those sort of deaths till next season.
2. Are these people the hunters or aren't they because if they are will they be killing off one of the main cast like they do in the comics and if so who will it be because they certainly can't kill dale off now he's been dead a while now. Then will Mary get to have a few more slabs of meat burning on her BBQ.
3. The situation with Tyrese and carol will be explained and we might just see them as being the saviours of the group and who knows maybe one of them will die trying to save the group. My prediction is that it may be where we see the death of baby Judith mostly due to the fact that she is just dead wait in the show and it would be ballsy and diffrent for thr show to kill off the young baby rather then keeping her going.
4. Where the fuck is Beth I guess this is another thing that will be explained next season and of it is I just hope that they don't leave us hanging for half a season to wait to see what has happened to her. But let's just wait and see on that one they might not even show us her dead it might just even be the remains of her with some of her bloody clothes. Would make sense and take up less time to do it that way and would hit harder as well if that's wat has happened to her. Or they walk in on Mary eating her in a burger I'm telling you Mary and her BBQ will be put to good use next season. (Well not good use)
Then finally is terminus and the hunters a long running storyline for the next season or is it just being used to finally bring this bigger group together and have them bond over a common goal which is survival. I just hope that it is all about getting this bigger group together so that they can bond over a this common goal kill Mary and the others and continue on the road. Mostly due to the fact that this show works best when they are on the road it's when the show is as it's strongest.
But I guess now we will just have to wait till next season for all of are questions to be answered I just hope that it doesn't take them long to answer those questions and that they don't drag it out. Because they have got a good formate going here and it would be a shame to see that stop on ots great run that thier on now.
Follow me on twitter for updates on blog posts and video updates also I have posted a video on the walking dead season finale where I talk about some of the other things in the episode so be sure to check that out.
Twitter: liambeardednerd
YouTube: Liam beardednerd