Monday, 31 March 2014

With Walking Dead coming to an end for another season where does this leave the group ??

So walking dead has come to an end for another season and what a thrilling and brilliant season it has been as well may I add. Coming into season 4 after the first episode I had my concerns that it wasn't going to live up to the hype and continue on the steady course it was on. But they managed to prove me and many other people wrong by tying up loose ends and creating brand new even more concerning problems for the group. So may I just say that if you haven't watch the last episodeg h&m go watch it and then come back to this after as this will be heavy on the spoilers for the episode and the season as a whole. 

So let's start out with the facts that after the speculation terminus did just turn out to be a pipe dream and nothing more then a group of what seems to be crazy monsters and cannibals. I told you didn't I that I didn't trust that Mary and her BBQ and turned out that she wasn't alone there after all. But what I would have liked to have seen was the aftermath of when Maggie, Glen etc got there and how they ended up in the predicament that they are now all stuck in. But I guess a lot of that explains its self that they most probably got suspicious of these people as well and got stuck in that trailer not long before the others. But I will bring your attention to the fact when rick and the others were running through terminus they ran past piles of bones which did have a strong recongnistion to human remains but I could be wrong about that. So I would also say that we haven't found out what happened to Beth yet but I will say that I still think that she's on that BBQ being put into one of Mary's home made burgers. 

Next is Joes group have been take care of and like I thought they would be as well at the start of the episode in a quick and timely manner to get on with the rest of the story. But the way in which they took care of them was brutal and then at the same time oddly satisfying as well. But I'm sure that if things had turned out differently them Daryl would have ended up staying with Joe and his group if he managed to he him to change his mind. I thought what Joe said about Rick was brilliant as well that he is just as much of a monster as the rest of us and how could a man that is like that be left to live. And it made me think that what he says is right and that Joe is almost the words of wisdom man giving out his advice of the ways of the world all the time. But it made me realise that Rick no matter how you look at him is no diffrent to Joe or the governor in fact what ever way you look at it. Because all men in this world are the same they all have that monster inside them and Rick was just about ready to show the monster come out. So when he suddenly ripped his throat out like he did it was like something out of a horror movie like Hannibal lecter biting down on his next meal making him look like another walker. It made me think that they are no diffrent to the walkers that they are all monsters in this world and the more humane members of this world are the walkers because they can't help the way that they are they can't control the way that they are. 

What I did love about this episode is that they picked up any old storylines and plot points and wrapped them up and finished them off. Such as the Joe storyline bringing him and his group to an end, the michonne storyline with the two walkers and why she had them on chains was wrapped up. It was great to see a finale to the show where we felt better off about where things were and where the group was going into the next season. With only a few questions still left to be answered. 

1. Where is Carol, Tyrese and Judith in this situation because there was no mention or sight of them in this episode which i was surprised about because I thought that they would as least give them an idea of where they were. But maybe that's something to be left for the new season seeing as Carol is basically a 1 woman army. So maybe she will just go in there John Rambo style and just kill all of the people in the terminus and free thier friends. Seeing as Rick has left those weapons outside of terminus just incase that they needed them not to say that they will do them any good now. And unless the terminus group found the weapons they are out there ready for the taking.

2. The second question is where the fuck is Beth at this point I am losing all hope in her being alive and just wonder if maybe we have just seen the end of her that she's already dead. I mean we did see her in the flash backs which I will get onto in a second because I thought they were a brilliant part of the episode. But at this point in the present days of the storyline where is she because Daryl has basically told Rick that she's gone but I think even in his mind he thinks that she might just be dead as she can't survive in this world on her own. 

3. Then the final question I think we have been left with is what is the really going on in terminus which wil be the big question for the next season what is going on here and what is thier goal. Because they are told by Alex when they get there that this place was created no more then a month after the outbreak hit. But my problem is if it has been at least a year now since the outbreak in the walking dead timeframe then why is there so few people there. I don't think I could have been the only one that saw that there wasn't really anyone at terminus as far as numbers are concerned you would have through there would have been more. I mean we saw maybe a hundred at most but when they are calling for people to come here for safety you would expect there to be more people there. So I will say that will be the biggest question on the list after seeing that room with all of the candles on the floor like a physcos room before he goes on a rampage. Then if I remember rightly and it might just have been my ears but when they were running through terminus immsure I could here what sounded like people crying for her. So who knows maybe that's where Beth is in there missing a leg or an arm with rest of her on the BBQ.

What's great is that we didn't have that many questions left unanswered with this seaon and it left me feeling in a better place about the show and that it was going back on the right track. I think you got that from the fans reaction to the show as well that it left everyone feeling very satisfied and happy about where we are with the show now. But I will say that cliffhanger those I have never been so annoyed about a cliffhanger before being how tense and on the edge of your seat that they left it. Especially after season 3 finale it just shows how they are trying to almost make up for where they went wrong with the previous season and they have made up with their mistakes. Let's just hope that they keep to this format and go into the next season with a just as brilliant format and story. What I am please with is that we have left this season with much more developed characters even the newer characters to the show like Abraham. 

What I did say in a previous post is that in some shape or form in this episode that we would see flashbacks in some shape or form but I didn't think that it would be back to the prison . But it worked and it was a great send off for a much beloved character in the form of Hershel. Who I had almost forgotten that we had lost him at the mid season finale after everything that has happen since it was a shock to see him again and remember just what happened. But the flashbacks were brilliant and great to watch as he gave his words of wisdom about the sort of man Rick can be. Where you come to realise as does Rick that he isn't a leader or a role model or a farmer because he's all of those things and more. Because he realises that he adapts to the situation and will adapt to what is needed to be done. So back at the start of this season he had taken a step back from the leadership role because it wasn't needed anymore he had left the place in a place where he was able to take a step back from things.But then when things started to go wrong he stepped back into the role that he was meant be in for the situation that was at hand a leader looking to same his friends. Which when the group got spilt up became the only thing that he needed to be which is a father to his son and to make sure that his son was safe. Which by the end of the episode I think that it's obvious that he had adapted to the situation at hand which is the save everyone and make sure that his son is safe. 

But what did come from the groups meeting was Rick and Abraham finally meeting and showing those signs of two raging bulls clashing heads as they didn't like each other. Even when Daryl did say that we are all friends now you still got that feeling of everyone being on edge as these two very powerful men met and tried to put aside thier diffrent views and work out a plan. Which in Ricks case might just be a bit harder for him then expected as he has come to be custom to not trusting anyone new so who knows how this will turn out. Then will Daryl tell Maggie about what happened to Beth and hoe she's out there by herself now because it will be worse off for him if he does will she speak to him again. 

So where does all this leave us going into the new season...

1. Terminus are looking to kill all of them and they have no chance of escape at this point but they are messing with the wrong group of people as they have gotten out of worse situations then this. Also is this the end of some of are lead cast members so are they just looking to keep those sort of deaths till next season. 

2. Are these people the hunters or aren't they because if they are will they be killing off one of the main cast like they do in the comics and if so who will it be because they certainly can't kill dale off now he's been dead a while now. Then will Mary get to have a few more slabs of meat burning on her BBQ. 

3. The situation with Tyrese and carol will be explained and we might just see them as being the saviours of the group and who knows maybe one of them will die trying to save the group. My prediction is that it may be where we see the death of baby Judith mostly due to the fact that she is just dead wait in the show and it would be ballsy and diffrent for thr show to kill off the young baby rather then keeping her going. 

4. Where the fuck is Beth I guess this is another thing that will be explained next season and of it is I just hope that they don't leave us hanging for half a season to wait to see what has happened to her. But let's just wait and see on that one they might not even show us her dead it might just even be the remains of her with some of her bloody clothes. Would make sense and take up less time to do it that way and would hit harder as well if that's wat has happened to her. Or they walk in on Mary eating her in a burger I'm telling you Mary and her BBQ will be put to good use next season. (Well not good use) 

Then finally is terminus and the hunters a long running storyline for the next season or is it just being used to finally bring this bigger group together and have them bond over a common goal which is survival. I just hope that it is all about getting this bigger group together so that they can bond over a this common goal kill Mary and the others and continue on the road. Mostly due to the fact that this show works best when they are on the road it's when the show is as it's strongest. 

But I guess now we will just have to wait till next season for all of are questions to be answered I just hope that it doesn't take them long to answer those questions and that they don't drag it out. Because they have got a good formate going here and it would be a shame to see that stop on ots great run that thier on now. 

Follow me on twitter for updates on blog posts and video updates also I have posted a video on the walking dead season finale where I talk about some of the other things in the episode so be sure to check that out. 

Twitter: liambeardednerd

YouTube: Liam beardednerd 


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hannibal - Mukōzuke Shocking yet satisfying have Will and Hannibal signed the divorce ??

So I only just got round to watching the latest episode of Hannibal which after last weeks exciting tense episode you knew things weren't going to be sunshine and roses going into this one. But just the way that things were left and what happened to her (her name leaves me) it was shocking yet oddly satisfying for the show. Mostly because I have never seen something like that on screen before it was fresh and different and sadistic. But what I realised by the end of this episode is that Will and Hannibal have left the separation phase and filed for the divorce. 

Sounds weird I know but were talking about a pair that became close in an odd way through mutual respect for each other and because they needed each other. Will needed him when he thought that his job was taking him over and sending him mad (which turned out to be Hannibal) and Hannibal found someone he thought he could call a friend someone almost like him. But the one thing that Hannibal wasn't counting on was going for a swim just to be tranquillised hung and have his wrists sliced open. Now my only problem with that scene was that were talking about a man who is probably the greatest serial killer who ever lived able to lead a double life purely through his charm and charisma that makes him a charming man to be around. But the fact that he managed to be almost taken out by a overly loving fan of Will Graham seemed weird and crazy thing is I started to pray that someone was going to save Hannibal. As crazy as that sounds I think what this show has shown is that even those as the audience we know this man is evil and wrong on so many levels you can't help but still love him and route for him. Its the same with Will Graham you route for this man that knows that he's innocent that he's been treated as a mental patient because he was twisted and warped by a man he called friend. So to see Will become so cold to ask someone to kill Lecter was great to watch on screen makes me excited for whats to come. Especially now that Hannibal knows that it was Will that asked him to Kill him it leaves me wondering are we looking at the start of Red Dragon now because Will knows now who this man is. Even when the other members of his former team don't see the signs he knows this man is a cold blooded killer and psychopath and will do anything now to prove that. So could we be looking at the show doing their own version of Red Dragon by the end of the season with Will coming out on top this time instead of Hannibal. 

The one thing I never expected to see going into this episode was that crime scene and the way in which she was carved into slices it was cold and dark but oddly satisfying to see because it just reeked of Hannibal. That man that has a love of the arts and is very precise with everything he does things being beautifully crafted in their own ways whether thats his kills or his cooking. So to see her left like that shocked me and realised that their isn't anyway to ever predict just what you are going to see in this show. But what was brilliant was that cooking scene as he cooks the kidneys and sits their with that sinister smile as he places the first bite into his mouth was cold but again oddly satisfying. Again something brilliant and stunning about this show is the cooking scenes the way they are crafted and shot as brilliant to watch on screen. Their dark and gritty and almost gothic in some ways which can be said about a lot of this show is its very Tim Burton I guess you could say. 

The stand out person in this episode those was the return of Dr. Gidden played by Eddie Izzard probably my favourite character in the first season and was brilliant to see him back again. To see him changed much darker and most trampier I guess now since he has been locked up to just wallow in his own filth for a long long while now. But to see him being used in Wills therapy as it was called which in my opinion it was less meant for therapy and more just to make him look madder. Seeing as their is quite a bit of tension between Giddien and Will seeing as Will did shoot him after all but under Hannibal's influence. I just hope this wasn't a one off for that character and that we see him again because I have a feeling that he could be yet another person with a personal vendetta against Hannibal.  

What I do look forward to now those is that we have just seen the start of Red Dragon its like the sparks of a lighter waiting for the fire to start thats what were looking at now. Hannibal is going to be pissed as to be expected and will want answers now for what he did and could this be their friendship over. Reason I called it the divorce because Will and Hannibal now have left the marital friendship stage, left the awkward separated phase and entered I hate you who gets custody of the dogs phase. Which actually saying the dogs where did those dogs go because if I remember rightly Will was a bit of a hoarder of those dogs. But now that Hannibal knows that it was Will we will see him corrupt everyone that still sort of trusted Wills judgement. We see that in the clip for the next episode so could we be looking at the death of yet more people working on the force because by the looks of things they know whats in his food now. So could Hannibal's Sweeny Todd themed dinner parties come to an end sooner then he hoped seeing as we did see a what looked like a scared Hannibal in the next episode. 

My only problem now is that I hope that the show has planned some sort of ending for this season of the show that benefits a fitting ending just in case the show is cancelled. I said this in a previous post and will just clarify it in this again that no matter how great the show is it is in a threat of cancellation still. But saying that it took till very near to the end of the season for NBC to give an answer to whether or not the show would get a second season so we could still be waiting a good few weeks for an answer to that question. I just hope that its the answer that we are all hoping for. 

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Youtube: Liam Beardednerd

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Friday, 28 March 2014

With Arrow being a mild success for DC and Gotham and a Flash tv show on the way have Dc found a foothold in the TV market??

So I just revcently as of an hour ago as I'm writing this started watching Arrow which I am very late to the game with being as it isn't well into its second season now. And to be honest I just wish that I had got round to watching it sooner as it's turned out to be one of my faviroute shows. So it got me thinking back to an earlier post that made the other day on agents of shield and if it's just an experiment for them for the bigger picture. This show just made me realise that it may just be that Sheild just isn't as good as Arrow in general and it has nothing to do with it being an experiment for things to come in the future. While Sheild may get over 10 millions viewers a week worldwide does that really make a show success because while it makes it a success in the eyes of ABC and Marvel it's the fans that have the biggest impact. What I mean is that 10 million viewers doesn't really count for anything if only a million or 2 millions of those viewers watch the show because they like it or that they like it. Because I have religiously watched Sheild everyweek even with it's messed up time schedule but not because I enjoy it but because in some way I hope that it's going to tie into the phase 2 films. Which up to now it's not really done I mean does anyone that watched the show remember the Thor the dark world episode the nearest tie in being a bad rehashed set that was used for 5 minutes and then that was it for reference to the film. It makes me less and less confident for that show which I mentioned in an earlier blog post which if you want to read up my full opinions and predictions then I highly recommend you go and read it. 

So let's get to the point of this post which is are we looking at DC having found their foothold not on th big screen but on the small screen where they are able to make what they want when they want. What I love about shows like Arrow is that they take a character revitalise and modernise him but keep that slick and cool edge about him he's like legolas mixed with Bruce Wayne. The show feels like the adult version of agents of sheild it feels like what sheild was meant to be not a show for a younger audience. Which at the end of the day I'm 20 and I feel like I'm watching a teen drama at times when I'm watching Sheild while Arrow feels dark gritty and cool much more based and aimed at a older audience. Now I know that thier are going to be a lot of people out their that will hate and bitch and moan that I am slagging off sheild because their are a lot of people that love shield and hate Arrow and hate vice versa. But to be honest sheild and arrow they are no diffrent apart from 2 crucial things cast and writing which falls down for shield and saves Arrow because without a strong cast and writing for Arrow it wouldn't have lasted a season. It feels like they have taken Nolans batman and given him a bow and arrow it's fun and cool and has loads of potential. 

Which then brings me on to Gotham now if your not excited for this show or at least interested them your either ignorant to a show wih true potential as a brilliant cop drama or just living under a rock. With the producers promising a show that it will be more of a cop drama and not try and be a cheesy super hero show it shows for true potential. That and the official character posters that have been released recently it shows for an amazing show that I have already put at the top of my most anticipated shows starting this year. Mostly for the fact that we have a brilliant cast behind it all looking like they have moulded and settled right into their roles and they are in it for the long run. 

Then we have the flash pilot that is due to be shown later on in the year with the hope that we will be seeing the full series not long after that. Again if you haven't see the character photo of the actors name has left my mind but look it up with him in the suit it looks fantastic and modern which can't be bad. It looks promising and I've heard that he first appears in the latest season of Arrow so that should be evidence enough of what is to come from this guy when the pilot comes out. I just hope that they don't have it being a cheesy flash runs around the world before punching a guy everywhere bullshit make it good and interesting and don't go overboard with it.

So that brings me to my point of this post I know there is actually a point to what I'm talking about and this isn't just me rambling on with no end in sight. My point for this is maybe were lookig at a market that DC might just be able to dominate over Marvel because they certainly aren't going to be doing that on the big screen anytime soon. Maybe this could be a time for DC to show that they are capable of doing more then just one off story lines like Marvel and have long ongoing stories with depth and emotion and actually fun to watch. Which to be honest Marvel haven't managed to do that on the tv side so far even in their cartoon efforts lately they haven't really managed to do great at that. Which this isn't anything against Disney but since they bought them a lot of things that don't have Josh Wedon behind it certainly seem to just go down the toilet on the marvel side. But saying that what happens to Sheild I again direct you back to a previous post where I talk about how maybe that shows less meant to be taken seriously and more just to shut up fans that were upset about Coulsons death. But are we looking at DC being the dominate ones on the small screen because seeing as Flash and Arrow will act in the same universe what doesn't stop them from doing that with other franchises. What about Wonder Woman seeing as they have failed to bring her to the big screen so far and I'm not so confident of her being in man of steel 2 (I refuse to call it batman vs superman) maybe bring her to the small screen. Bring back that classic theme music or well maybe not but make it fun and funny DC could be looking at a brilliant brand new market. Then if they are good enough branch out to TV movies for them because at the end of the day Batman has been the only successful big screen franchise for DC in the 21st century. But only time will tell for how all of this turns out who knows maybe this all could just be a big campaign to get DC everywhere ready for a justic league movie. Which come on it's been a long time in the making and it's been rumoured that man of steel 2 might just be what they are hinting at with that but who knows time will tell. But talking of justic league what about Aqua man give him his own tv show based in Miami runs down Miami beach into the sea in his suit comes out with a trident. I'm joking when I say that but isn't it about time that more of these heroes get their time to shine and why not on the small screen where they have more time to develop the characters and make them grow. Then when the time is right for the justic league film bring them to the big screen where people will know who they are what thier about and will have grown to love the characters. But maybe that's just be dreaming at this point in time. 

But you know what only time will tell all I will say is that I am excited for the future and what DC have up their sleeves for the small screen because I can say its a lot more promising and a lot closer then thier big screen films. 

But I would love to hear what you think because I know that thier will be a lot of people out their that don't agree with what I said but I want people to know this isn't about whether your a DC man or woman or Marvel it's about good writing and good tv. 

So let me know and follow me on twitter and my channel:

Twitter: liambeardednerd 
YouTube: Liam beardednerd 
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Thursday, 27 March 2014

With the long awaited release of the Turtles trailer I thought why not talk about it

So with the long awaited release of the Turtles trailer I thought well why not take a look at two of the other big trailers for this summers blockbusters as well. Which to be honest none of them completely wowed me or made me excited for whats coming to are screens this summer. The 1 thing I was glad with the turtle trailer was why it showed the odd big set piece it kept most of the film under wraps including the turtles. Which when you have Michael Bay's name is behind it I was surprised especially when you look at the train wreck that was the transformers trailer. 

So lets start with the Turtles:

So while I'm guessing this was meant to be less of a official trailer and more of teaser trailer which now a days can be as long as 3 minutes. So seeing a trailer of 1 minute 30 seconds didn't really surprise me but I was surprised about just how vague it was about the overall story and the turtles themselves just giving up quick glimpses till the end. Its funny because I think they left all the story out of the trailer and decided to bring it out as a press release instead being as their was a press release that gave us the whole plot. Which to be as vague as possible April O'Neils father and the soon to be come shredder saw the crime and destruction being waged on their city so created superheroes in the form of the turtles. So while it was vague in the trailer they did touch upon this my only problem with the whole shredder thing is less that he helped create the turtles its a great way to bring in a new era of fans my problem is that shredder is white. Now I know that they are trying to get a brand new audience in but being a fan of the original films the 2nd film with the ooze being a masterpiece in my opinion. But in all versions of the show and films before this shredder has always been Asian which in my opinion is the way its meant to be it keeps to the original story some what and makes sense with the whole ninja thing. What I found interesting with the trailer is that they have really modernised everything from the old 80's/90's versions of the turtles. With such things as April being modernised with what looked like her filming her report on her phone and her clothes were much more modern and current. From the trailer you get that April is going to be a main part of the story if not the key part which as long as Megan is nothing like she is in Transformers then its fine by me. I couldn't find much wrong with the trailer to be fair to it apart from the main fact WTF is going on with the design of the turtles. You can tell that they have been mo capped with real actors and it looks like they are taking some of the real actors faces and portraying them in their respecting turtles. Apart from the faces the rest of them what you saw I found quite slick and cool apart from their size because I never remember the turtles being 7ft tall. While I didn't mind the trailer it certainly didn't grip me or certainly get me excited for the film like I hoped maybe thats just coming off the fact that I had such high expectations for the film. But what I can't understand watching the trailer is why it took them so long to get the trailer out for it. With most films that are releasing in the summer having release their first trailers last year it makes me wonder why it took them so long. Maybe its just simple marketing tactics and they are trying to get the hype up for the film by keeping people keen with a short window before the film. Or it could just be that with a film  like this they weren't prepared for the massive undertaking that was going to come with making it. But then again it makes me wonder how it took so long to get the trailer out for this and Transformers both with Michael Bay's name under them is this just his marketing tactics. Or is this just Michael being his usual self spending most of the money on massive set pieces so his team is spending hours on end bringing them to life on the screen. All I can say for the film is that I just hope that it works out for them because we could be looking at a brilliant new franchise if this first one works out for them. But at the end of the day its the fans that you have to impress which so far hasn't been bad I mean I certainly didn't mind the trailer apart from those weird creepy faces on the turtles. 

So lets go onto the second trailer that I watched which to be honest I don't have to much to say on it. This film hasn't really excited me since the films announcement the only thing that I really did like was the look of Angelina Jolie in the film. My problem with this film mostly is that ever since the realise of Alice in Wonderland Disney have now rehashed it with other films in their catalogue. First with the OZ film and now with this they all just seem like they are doing this with as many films as they can now this being the next one. It left me feeling bored and less gripped then the turtles trailer did. It also just started to bore me more as the trailer went on and it left me feeling like I had seen the whole film like the new spiderman film. I find thats just become the norm now in films is for you to release the whole film in the trailer or well all the big set pieces thats you watch the film for. Thats what I came away feeling like with this film with this weird new take on a classic with a gothic tone splashed on it I didn't really get the point of the film. It just takes me back to a previous post that I wrote about how were looking at an age of remakes, sequels and rehashed versions of the film. Again I do go back to that maybe we need to look at whether the people running Disney need to change get new fresh blood in.

So then the last trailer that I watched was the trailer for probably 1 of the most anticipated films to be release this year Day of Future past. Which to this point I had managed to avoid all the trailer because I really didn't want to know as I personally think First Class is the pinocle and the masterpiece of the X-Men series. So to get a sequel to that and a sort of tie in sequel to the original trilogy we won't talk about the last stand less about that said the better. But I just couldn't keep myself away from watching this trailer and to be honest Im glad that I waited till now to watch any sort of trailer for the film. And this trailer defiantly showed that we could be looking at 1 one of the best films to come out all year and a visual masterpiece at that. With an all star cast and story finally bought to the screen this could be the best outing for the X-men. But then again it could just go down the toilet and end up dive bombing and being one of the worst films and biggest flops of the year. Its a hard task taking on such a big cast and story like this to do it right so while I am looking forward to the film and think that its going to go well and turn out to be brilliant theres still that small part of me that thinks that it could just back fire and blow up in their faces. 

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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Marvel - Found a foothold in the TV market or is Shield a sign to stick to films

 So recently I've been catching up with agents of shield a show that I have tried my best to get into but for the life of me I just can't do it. I don't know whether that's because I have just lost interest in the whole marvel cinematic universe or it's just a poorly written show. I think that it's a bit of both really more of the latter really the show never makes you feel hooked never closing anything or giving the audience answers just more questions. I think the only question they even answered is what happened to Coulson and how did he manage to survive. Now while it did answer some questions it more just left more answers and made my head fry even more and made me. come to the conclusion of what was the point of this show. Is this show just meant to be an experiment for things to come in the future or did Marvel and Disney really see a future in this series. While it's meant to pick up the peices after the avengers and what comes after each phase 2 movie everything just feels less and less explained. They feel less secret agents of sheild and more caretakers it just makes me wonder how Coulson can go from lead agent to the dog body of sheild. 

This mixed with writing that is worse then an episode of the vampire diaries it makes for a show that just feels like an experiment for things to come in the future. With talks of netflixs producing a daredevil tv show and people begging for HBO to take on the punisher maybe we could see something promising in the future. Me myself am begging for a punisher tv show could you imagine having the broad walk empire writers on board to make a show like the punisher dark and gritty. So maybe this show isn't meant to taken seriously as a show and more of a social experiment because it if it is they should have gotten the facts that the show isn't exactly loved across the board. With a awkward and unreliable schedule for when it's on the tv it doesn't really ever give you much hope for the show. There is never a general weekly date anymore for when it's going to be on anymore and with at least another 10 episodes to go there is still no signs of the show getting any better just worse. 

So if your watching the show then don't read on if you haven't gotten up to date with to the latest episode of the show but if you have or have no want to watch the show then read on. So to give a brief explanation of the show so far Coulson and his crack team of sheild agents all of them younger then 30 more or less just kids. Which can I just say if you have ever seen any of the films that sheild are in when have you ever see a young kid barely out of nappies part of the team it seems more like a day care then a team of agents with Coulson as chief nanny. So with this crack team of agents that just happen to basically be the best at what they do because if that's the case why their with Coulson and not working beside Nick Fury who knows. But along with his team they are sent to take on many different cases each week being a diffrent case but for the life of me I can't remember most of them their that dull and interesting it just leaves your mind. The only time the show shows any sign of heading in the right direction is when they carry on with the main plot point which is to do with a group called centipede and their mysterious boss the Clare voient. Which up until this point we are still none the wiser to who this person is or what their person and over all goal is for this. My idea is that it's going to turn out to dr strange and their just using this as a way to bring him into the marvel cinematic universe. Then we have the side story of coulsons death and all the mystery that surrounded what happened to him and this magical trip that he had to Tahiti. Which turned out to be memory's that sheild planted into his head when they brought him back to life by restarting his brain with some sort of dead Prometheus looking alien. Again it doesn't make sense and the show shows no sign of bringing us any closer to finding out what the hell was the reason for bringing him back in the first place. My theory's is that their isn't a reason they just knew that he could deal with big kids such as Tony Stark so dealing with a team of young kids wouldn't be an issue for him. 

So that's the overall story and as far as we have gotten with it and if you understand it out their and no exactly what is going on then your a smarter person then me, because I don't even think that the writers know where it's going at this point. It feels like the last few seasons of Lost when the writers on that were saying right so what's going on now and the rest of them all look blanked face. I do think that this clear voient will be a reference to something coming up in one of the films or a later tv show which is why I come back to dr strange. They have spoken about it happening for a while now so why not introduce him in this make a easier transition into the universe rather then just dive bombing a movie into the theta hers without any warning. But then again maybe I'm wrong and this whole story could turn out to just be a big F U to the audience and is just being used as way to bring Coulson back into the films. They certainly haven't denied the fact that he might make an appearance in the sequel to the avengers I mean wouldn't it make sense for him and to an extent his team to make any appearance in the films now. 

But my idea was why not have Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver be introduced in the show first have it as a Coulson dedicated episode where he is sent back out into the field by himself no longer a secreat that he's alive. Because as far as I know he's still meant to be dead as far as Tony and the others are concerned how they have managed to keep that covered up and out of ear shot I don't know. But here's my idea use the show as a purpose for making way into avengers 2 by having Coulson being sent to find Scarlett witch and quicksilver and have them recruited for the avengers. But then again this centipede group have spoken about how they are trying to make superhuman beings so due to the fact that techniacally they don't have the writes to the x men films it could tie in that way. 

But the show at the end of the day doesn't feel like it was ever meant to have legs in the first place it feels like Marvel used it as an experiment to see how well and recieved a Tv show would be. But to have a well recieved show you need to put out something that is gripping and not just some stupid idea they came up with to keep the fans happy. Because that's all this show is at the end of the day a 1 season fan service to the people that loved Coulson and couldn't accept the fact that he had died . So while I don't think that we are looking at a show that has legs we might be looking at something that is a gateway to the real shows that are coming from marvel. Such as daredevil, punisher and why not even go as far as to give someone like hulk an outing on the small screen because his big screen efforts haven't been the greatest successes. Then branch out to their offer heros that they have backed after all they do have a whol massive back catalogue of heros to choose from. What about a black panther tv show after all he's been talked about for a while that he may get an outing at some point on the screen. 

So we could just be looking at a big plan that marvel has to dominate the small screen as well because no matter what I say about the show it's got the viewers in the US and the UK. So it's at least turned out a success in them regards so who knows this may just be the start of something massive. We could see a battle on are hands as well with Netflixs set to make a Daredevil show you can be sure that amazon won't be far behind on securing another hero. So if they are black panther won't be a bad one or ghost rider and actually do it justice and show that it can be done right. But what ever the outcome of this show I just hope that it means that we start seeing some more heros making their way to the small screen. Because who doesn't want that at the end of the day. 

Follow me on twitter: liambeardednerd 

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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

So where does the terminus leave us going into the finale??

There she is Mary or scary Mary as some people have taken to calling her and with the bombshell of Terminus not looking the sunshine and roses it was meant to be where does that leave us now. Could we be looking at a new start for the group doubtful but maybe or could this woman be a member of the hunters or what about Jesus her names Mary after all might be a hint to something.

So I'm going to run down everything we know and where this could take things going into the finale.

1. Terminus didn't turn out to be the most exciting and welcoming place going…

So terminus for the last 7 weeks has been a dream of the groups something that they could hope for and dream of making it to somewhere where they might finally get back to some sense of normality. Well I don't know if it was just me that thought this but that place was as quieter then a grave. I mean unless there were hundred of people all ready to jump out and yell SUPRISE welcome to terminus it didn't seem like anyone else was there. I think I said this in a previous post but Mary just seems like she's going to be the crazy woman that talks to the wind thinking she's talking to groups of people she certainly didn't look like she had seen anyone in a while. But then if you look closely she's cooking meat with a few plates set out so theres obviously must be other people there unless she has a big appetite. Then theres her jumper strikes a striking resemblance to Beth's cardigan from a previous episode not exactly the same but similar who knows maybe thats Beth on the BBQ with the rest of her hanging up in a meat locker in the back. Could we be looking at the hunters with chief cook Mary working on the grill she has that look in her eyes after all Eugene has enough meat on him to feed people for a week.

2. Is this the end of Daryl's time with Rick and the others??

Before last nights episode I thought that Daryl was ready for the chopping block that he would be dead by the end of the episode or he would be by himself again because he didn't agree with Joe and the rest of the group. But I was proved wrong as Daryl started to show signs of him fitting in with the group and having learnt the rules being respected by Joe and the others well apart from the dead bowmen. So it made me think well what Joe said made me think about Daryl being an outdoor cat thinking he's an indoor one. Is this his time to hang up his boots with Rick and the others and start a fresh I mean as far as he's concerned their all dead after all but when it comes down to it which side will Daryl take, because he certainly can't be in the middle of this one. But wouldn't it make for some great viewing watching as Daryl forgets his feelings for his friends and stays strong to his new group because you can't deny its where he belongs.

3. Where does Carol, Tyrese and baby Judith come into all of this??

So during the preview for the final episode of the season which I am just glad to say didn't really give anything away quick cuts here and there never enough time to really make anything out. But at no point did I see what looked like Carol or Tyrese in this situation I mean she must be in the episode because they have release a poster with Carol on the front for the last episode. But maybe we could be looking at the deaths of Tyrese and Judith its certainly been something thats been a long time in the making and would people really be bothered at this point. I mean Carol certainly had a look in her eyes that maybe Lizzie would have been doing them a favour getting rid of Judith because she's a liability and a weight on them slowing them down at every turn. So wouldn't it make sense to see that gives no craps Carol come back out and decide that maybe Tyrese and Judith are slowing her down and she just offs them she certainly has it in her after all. She managed to kill Lizzie without any hesitation.

4. Could Michonne, Carl or Rick die in this last episode??

Now I know that this is a long shot being the main cast and main characters in the comics after all but the preview certainly suggested that we could be looking at a lot of deaths on are hands and Ricks by the look of things. Now there was 1 shot in the preview that was show in the UK I can't remember if was shown for the US but I have found that the US keep the previews must more spoiler free. But there was a shot that got me thinking its of Michonne, Carl and Rick walking into a room filled with candles looked almost like a ritual chamber. So its got me thinking that maybe they do make it to terminus and they are greeted with no scary mary greeting and more bloody mary meat cleaver in one hand Beth's leg in the other. While the rest of the group are all tied up in the back ready to be dragged out when their ready for the chop. Maybe we could be looking at the remains of the crazy fucked up kill room at the terminus because I can certainly say it didn't look nice to me or them as a matter of fact.

5. Do the groups really need to make t back to each other??

Now I was thinking about this today and yesterday as a matter of fact but the way the groups are now everyone seems much happier and easier with each other so do they really have to get back to each other. Daryl is certainly a different and in some ways much better character now that he's with Joe and his group and it pains me to say it but Joe is a likeable character. Rick, Carl and Michonne are certainly much happier the way they are its peaceful and less stressful Rick doesn't have to worry about leading anyone anymore and Carl finally has started to get a chance to almost be a real kid. Then the rest of them Glen, maggie, Bob, Sasha etc. they have made it to terminus and their a very strong group now and close group. It would be great to see them stay like this because I know that if you have read the comics you know what will happen and where everything will go but won't that be a season long story line before we even make it so seeing Jesus and the hilltop. But then again like I said before Mary and Jesus you never know we might see Jesus out there scouting for new members and comes across Rick and Michonne, Carl thats a lot to ask but it might happen.

So where does this leave us going into the last episode not brilliantly really it certainly doesn't make you confident that everything is going to be rainbows now that they have made it to terminus. Maybe just the thought of having somewhere safe makes you dream high but then those dreams never reach as far as you want them to well they especially didn't this time did they one woman cooking weird meat on a BBQ. So where does it leave us it leaves us knowing that Joe may just be more terrifying then the governor was seeing as Rick always seems to manage to have someone that wants his blood and head on a plate. Could this be a mexican stand-off between Joe and Rick with only one man coming out alive while at the same time Terminus becomes more of a nightmare then a safe haven. So I'm going to make my predictions:

1. Were finally find out what happened to Beth now I know thats a long shot but we may just finally find out I'm still hoping for leg missing in the meat locker.

2. Scary Mary either kills or drugs at least one of the group ready for meat and the rest find out just what the terminus really is and we finally get to see the hunters.

3. Were see the death of at least 1 maybe 2 of the characters I'm gonna say Sasha,bob and the girl from the governors group are high on that scale.

4.   Then last but not least Joe will catch up to Rick and were see Joe die but not before Daryl has to choose whether he sides with Joe or Rick.

Their my predictions but what are yours I mean I'm sure that people have got loads of ides for whats going to happen at the end of this so id love to hear all of them. And come on if scary mary turns out to be a nice woman then that will be the biggest shock going.

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Monday, 24 March 2014

The Walking Dead - Us (Why does Terminus still feel like a pipe dream??)

So I just finished watching the penultimate episode of this seasons The Walking Dead and its left me feeling uneasy. Did Terminus turn out to be more of a pipe dream and are Joe's group as evil as they looked.

First off I hate to say it but this episode actually made me start to like Joe I came to understand his views of how they live in this world. While Daryl didn't agree with them at first I think he started to come round to the idea by the end of the episode when he claimed those what looked like baby tomatoes. Their not so much monsters more just men trying to survive in a fucked up world where normal rules no longer apply anymore. Listening to Joe tell Daryl the rules and if you don't comply with those rules there will be consequences it made me think for a second that they were the hunters. When Daryl woke up and saw the blood on the floor I expected him to see Joe eating this guys leg or something with the rest of this guy rotating on a spit. But seeing him dead on the ground outside made me feel a bit disappointed that they weren't because it leaves them with a lesser motive for being there I mean sure you want Rick dead but what chance do they have of finding him. And if they do will Daryl go along with them or will he protect his people I mean he did seem like he had started to warm up to Joe and get along with him when they starting walking through the field drinking. So now we have another group heading for Terminus I mean could we be looking at the end of this dream before its even begun.

Talking about Terminus was I the only one that found it wasn't what I expected it to be that maybe just maybe they and us as the audience have been hoping for more then was actually going to be there. Also it wasn't exactly the most secure place in the world was it a rickety old gate and fences I mean if the governor had used his tank on this place just the shock from the tank rolling up would have made it fall down. Its also made me wonder if thats the last were see of Terminus now till the next season that maybe just maybe we might not even see the rest of them make it there. I mean the preview for the next episode showed nothing about Carol and Tyrese so who says we might be looking at them being the next ones for the chop. Or maybe Michonne or Carl might just be going the right way for a bullet to the head Rick did look in shock with blood all over his hands after all he looked the same as when Laurie died. Will be looking at another crazy Rick talking into a phone storyline again because that was fun to watch weren't it .

Talking about Rick were they really needed in this episode we could have easily out two and two together without them appearing here. Seeing as they are the only group that has nothing going on worth air time at the moment could have been put to better use with more words of wisdom from Joe. I know Joe and his group are just there on a temporary basis probably just to give Rick a storyline to make him part of this half of the season. But wouldn't it be great to see a bit more of Joe (not so much the rest of the them) but he became less scary more likeable as the episode came to its climax. It wouldn't surprise me if we do see Daryl being thrust into the middle next week for the finale who does he choose his friends or this new group that feels less like a group and more every man for himself. Which in a world like this isn't it like that for everyone I mean maybe Joe has a point about how they do things it keeps them at bay and if someone lies or breaks the rules you show them why not to do it again. In that poor bastards case it was get kicked the hell out of and have an arrow struck through the head. What I loved about that those was Daryl you saw that bit of kindness that we love about him come through as he picked up the blanket but quickly drain away as he threw it back on the ground. Maybe Daryl might have just found where he belongs he's the younger brother of Merle after all and this group feels like a bunch of Merles all of them have that same sort of view about things. It makes me wonder if the reason that Daryl started to warm up to Joe was because like he said he's an outdoor cat thinking he's an indoor one. He's become so accustomed to being part of a group that stay in one place when he did spend most of his life being on the road with Merle before meeting Shane and then later meeting Rick. Merle did say that he had gone native after all maybe he's looking down on him now or up how ever you wanna look at it smiling that his little brother was learning the way to survive in this world isn't to rely on other people and just yourself.

But back to the terminus situation is this really going to be a permanent situation for the group or will they quickly come to realise that maybe this isn't the best place after all. When the sign said that they would be met by someone I didn't think that they would mean 1 lone woman doing her washing. Im gonna take a stab in the dark and say that she isn't as sane as she looks and that this terminus is nothing more then 1 crazy women's way to make it through this. What I'm getting at is that there won't be anyone else there that she will start walking around introducing the group to everyone and there won't be anyone there. It will just be empty rooms with this woman waving her arms around telling people to come and meet the latest members of the group. But then what if the terminus turns out to be the place where the hunters are staying and their all in their chomping down on a Beth sandwich, because we still haven't found out whats happened to her. And they aren't letting on at all whats happening to with her I guess their can't be much exciting stuff happening with her apart from the odd singing now and again. I just hope and pray that this isn't going to be another season of them sitting around in a new camp just for them to have to move on again because this place seems more of a pipe dream then the prison was which if you read the comics you already knew it was.

But when they mentioned the sign and that the terminus was sanctuary maybe this woman that they met is just one of Negan's many wives it makes sense and has the same sort of look as the building in the comics. Wouldn't it be great for the last shot of this season to be Negan looking out at the group with a couple of women on each arm holding his trusty baseball bat with the barbed wire. Now anyone that hasn't read the comics won't have a clue who this man is but before you start searching to see who he is I suggest you don't because its massive spoilers and not nice to read. That could all just be guess work I would be surprised if they did introduce Negan so soon after Abraham, Rosita and Eugene as we haven't gotten to know them much past this episode. Talking of them it was nice to see more of them in this episode and give Rosita and Eugene more air time so that you got to know them more.

Now SPOLIERS!! so don't keep reading as this is a part of the comics and storyline for the show (just scroll down till I say SPOILERS! over)  ….

Ok I warned you but how long will it be before Eugene finally tells them the truth about Washington and who he is that he doesn't really know where their going. That this cure and cause of the outbreak that he said that he knows about is actually just a lie and that he just said it so that he could save his own skin. I mean Eugene started to show all the signs that he's starting to have trouble keeping up with the lie and even Rosita started see through the lie that Abraham might just go a bit mental when he finds out. I thought that he was going to own up to it a couple of times in the episode because he's never exactly willing to come out and just tell people who he is and where their going is just to save his own skin.  I mean he's never exactly been the most reliable person in the world has he.

SPOILERS OVER can keep on reading now….

So lets just hope that Terminus turns out to be just what they were looking for what to be honest when you have a show like this theres never a place where you can feel safe. With Joe's group now heading for the Terminus as well and looking like they can't be anymore then a day or two days out from there things aren't going to end smoothly. And I've just been thinking back to last weeks episode with the burning corpses doesn't that remind you back to Morgan from season 3 he was burning bodies. He did after all start taking this as his new job since the outbreak maybe he's started moving on to new places. Who says it was him that started to fire and burnt all the corpses or they could just have been something for that episode and the story. I haven't even touched on how convenient it was that Maggie, Sasha and Bob were at the over side of the tunnel but maybe that was just the sort of thing that was going to happen. And it made sense and was a bitter sweet moment when they finally found each other again was the first bit of hope that they had since the destruction of the prison. I just hope that it wasn't a 1 off and this Terminus doesn't become a living hell.

Id like to know if you feel the same or did you like this episode is it leading up for an explosive season finale which to be honest seems like its going to be better then threes was. (You remember that first try the governor had at taking the prison) But yeah let me know and tell me if theres anything you think I missed. N my main question is did you like Joe or do you still not trust him??

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