Sunday, 23 March 2014

Hannibal: Will NBC keep it around long enough to lead into Red Dragon??

Recently I've been catching up with this seasons Hannibal and I read an article about the viewing rating for the latest season and it said that the viewing figures were down from last year.

It just made me start to wonder will we see the show get a long enough run to make it to Red Dragon. With NBC'S track record of cancelling shows during their prime it makes me scared to think that we could be seeing Hannibal going the same way. Even when the show is a visionary masterpiece that is nothing like anything else that is on TV at the moment. The show has a image and style that can't be beaten or compared to anything else on at the moment. It scares me to think that we might be looking at the end of this show in the middle of its prime when they are on the verge of leading straight into Red Dragon if the last episode is anything to go by.

Talkin of the last episode it was probably the best episode of both the seasons and showed just how brilliant the writing and direction is on the show. With the realisation by Will (SPOILERS!) that Hannibal is the person who was causing his seizures and that he might just be the ripper it makes me wonder if were looking at the start of the Red Dragon story line quicker then I thought. Maybe we might see it by the end of the season but at the same time the pace and direction that the show has taken has been brilliant taking the Red Dragon direction of Hannibal in the cage and Will on the outside and flipping it on its head is brilliant. Then with the inclusion of these brilliant cooking scenes of Hannibal cooking cup his latest meal that borderline between being beautiful and quite creepy and gothic it makes for a master piece of a show.

But could we be looking at the end of a show in its prime with a cast of actors that preform some of the performances of their careers and make these characters their own. I mean wouldn't it be great to see this show go as far as to lead into the Silence of the Lambs storyline and into the Hannibal storyline that follows it would make for tense brilliant viewing. I just hope that people start to watch it and give it a chance because it takes the name Hannibal and makes it into a brilliant crime drama. Just make sure that you have a strong stomach because certain parts of this show can be hard to watch and quite graphic at times. But the show does it with quite a charm that makes it brilliant to watch and this is coming from a person that can't stand the sight of blood. N may I just touch on last weeks episode with the human beehive something thats equally creepy and brilliant it made for a shocking/brilliant episode something fresh and new. Then with the shock cliff hanger ending its shaping up to be a explosive season of the show even if it does god forbid become its last. But you never know stranger things have happened and this show won't stay off the air for long when you have a show that is as brilliant as this if it was cancelled no doubt we may see another Ripper Street case and see Amazon pick it up.

But I would love to know whether any of you have watched the show and more importantly did you like it and try and recommend it to your friends because if we can get more people watching it the better chance of it staying on the air. Come on who doesn't want to see the Will vs Hannibal scene from Red Dragon make for some exciting scenes to watch.

The Walking Dead - 2 Episodes left will we lose anymore people??

So today the guys over at AMC released this poster for the season finale of The Walking Dead which is in 2 weeks time and it made me wonder that tag line are we looking at more deaths??

I mean its something you have to expect from a show like this really half the supporting cast is dead after all but after that shock episode last week should we be expecting more. The fact that we have just Carol on the poster makes me wonder wheres Tyrese and Judith I mean Carol does off anyone thats extra baggage after all. Could we be looking at that badass Carol coming back into focus again and following the comics and killing off Judith and Tyrese. (They both didn't die like that in the comics but they are dead at this point in the story)

Also I want to bring attention to the look at tomorrow nights episode or tonights episode if your from the States. But we do see Daryl again stuck with that new group and a man by the name of Joe I think he said his name was. Well thats what he said his name was anyway there has been speculation from fans on who he might really be those could this be Negan or the cannibal group from the comics that SPOILERS! end up killing Dale. I myself think that this is just another one of Kirkman's tricks to keep the fans guessing just like he's done in the past shall we not forget the did baby Judith die at the siege of the prison or not. I mean now I know that Daryl is the fans faviroute as done on a poll he was mine until the show came back and they started making you route for characters such as Carl, Maggie, Sasha and Tyrese. Which has made me think could we be looking at the demise of Daryl because he sure came close to it when he hit Joe in the previous episode theres only so many times he'll get away with being that way. So could we be looking at his death I mean it would be a shock move and something that would anger a lot of fans but it would sure have people talking about it what better way to get people talking about the show more.

Also what about Beth as far as we know she drove off in this car leaving Daryl behind to die but last thing I remember about Beth was that she could just about walk on that leg and how long has she known how to drive?? I know that the speculation is that she was scared and probably thought that Daryl was dead anyway but what about the dog that showed up earlier in the day that then mysteriously disappeared. Who says that this dog wasn't just the pet of Joe's group scouting out ahead of the rest of the group and they lead the walkers there and kidnapped Beth in the back of the car when she ran outside. Now I know that people will then ask well wheres the car then why were they all walking on foot when they found him but think back to when Daryl met Joe's group. For a group thats been on the road they were nice and heavily armed and didn't exactly look like they were doing bad for food or water. Also they struck a very similar look to the group that were in the house with Rick when he had to try and escape. So maybes theres more of them out there and their all just falling into their trap of trying to make it to the terminus. So back to Beth we haven't seen anything else of Beth in the previews for the last couple of episodes so makes me think what if she's already dead. Would make sense that they get Daryl back to their camp and he finds her their already dead maybe their the group that burned all those walkers that attacked Lizzie and Mika in last weeks episode.

Now just hear me out when I say this because its hard to stomach but to be honest after the shock of last weeks episode surely there really can't be anything that shocks people anymore. But just what if this Joe and his group are cannibals and their the same cannibal group from the comic and they bring Daryl back to the camp and thats when he finds out. He sees the car that Beth drove off in and finds a half dead Beth missing a leg or an arm or something where their keeping her alive just to use her for meat. While it would be gross and disturbing to witness on screen its just something that we should come to expect from this show I mean they killed off 2 young children last week after all. Also the nearest to this group when you look at it could be Carol and Tyrese so maybe they bump into this group or come across this group. Then Tyrese or Daryl get killed in the process of trying to escape this group alive and the surfing members try and carry on and make it to the terminus. I mean this half of the season is just a see how many of the cast we can kill off or leave half dead anyway I mean Glenn is getting better now but he still don't look the best.

It brings me again back to who will survive well the obvious ones are Rick, Carl and Michonne its stupid and just not even worth killing off these three because Rick whether you like him or not is the lead character in the show and Carl and Michonne make up prime members of the cast/team.

Maggie/Sasha and Bob ah poor Bob he grows on me every time he's in an episode but I think we could be looking at his demise as we know it. As a lot of the cast members that joined the show at the start of the season seem to be killed off sooner or later Lizzie and Mika looked like they were locked in as proper members of the group but that soon changed. So who says we aren't looking at the same fate for poor old Bob I mean it hasn't gone great for him has it he's had a shelf full of alcohol fall on him and in turn walkers through the roof/ he's been shot through the shoulder which he's still suffering with and he's been stuck with a crazy Maggie and a pissed off Sasha ever since. He's just looking to be put out of his misery and to be honest he's not the strongest member of the group is he.

Glenn/ that girl from the governors group and Abraham/Eugene and the girl can't remember her name so Glenn and Abrahams group will make it thats certain for the main fact they haven't met Rick yet. Thats something that I'm waiting for the meeting of 2 hot headed and strong leaders their get on like a house on fire I'm sure but the girl from the governors group. Why is she there in the first place she seemed like she was only their to help Glenn make it out of the prison but past that she has no purpose anymore in the show. She's pretty much dead wait and an easy target to get the chop without anyone really feeling like they care to much thats she gone. Thats how I feel about Bob that people will be sad but they aren't going to miss him because you quickly learn not to get attached to anyone on this show.

Then we come to Carol/Tyrese and Judith so at this point Judith is just slowing them down and making them walker bait so why not off her now before the audience gets to attached to her. Also it makes it easier on Rick and Carl as they have already come to terms with thinking that she's died anyway so it won't make any difference to them. Then theres Tyrese are we looking at his demise soon because looking at Carol on that poster she certainly don't look like she's with anyone else who says she hasn't gotten rid of Tyrese and Judith for being dead wait.

Then Beth and Daryl well less said about them them the better really as they are both looking like they are ready for the chopping block and to be honest at this point would it make any difference. I mean we have so many new cast members will losing Daryl really cause people to stir and riot in the streets??

Id love to hear if people feel the same or whether they think anyone will die or if no one will die at all and their all make it to the terminus which the way this is going their be lucky.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Nymphomaniac review

So today I watched the first and second volume of Nymphomaniac which before I started watching I had already made my opinion up about it that it would me smutty and not my thing. I think a lot of that comes with the press that came out at least 6 months prior to the release it divided opinion and split people down the middle. I guess the main reason for this is because the film would feature real sex something that isn't looked highly upon by people in the industry and it crosses that line the smutty and tasteful. This brings me to an example of another film of the same genre and partially the same storyline and thats the film Shame starring Michael Fassbender. Which in my opinion is the pinnacle of his career and shows that you can take something as serious as sex addiction and make it tasteful and almost beautiful and very sad and distressing to watch on the screen. So when this film was announced and real sex was going to be displayed on screen I thought that this would take away the nature and seriousness of the tone of the movie. But if I'm honest I was very wrong and am pleased to admit that I'm wrong as the film/s were very beautifully shot/acted and portrayed on the screen. The use of real sex is done to almost enhance the message of the film that they are trying to get across which is sex addiction and for the most part that is shown in great sometimes graphic detail.

So the film is about a woman Joe that is found beaten and bruised in an alleyway and brought back to a man named Seligman where he asks to know obviously how she ended up in the state she's in. Which leads her into retelling her story in 8 chapter which is 8 points in her life that led her to this point. So the film then goes back and forth as she is retelling him this story and he gives his insight and words of wisdom which is beautifully acted by Stellan Skarsgard. Over the 8 chapters you slowly start to get an insight into Joe's life and slowly my opinion on the story and the film its self started to change from disinterest and dislike to falling in love with it. The film/s is beautifully shot and is very art house in the way that its crafted and portrayed on screen. I guess the thing that got me was that for a film that is primarily about sex and was completely panned by people for its subject is oddly tasteful and no two scenes last longer then a few minutes. But what I was shocked about and its something I have come to find when I speak to people is that my views on the subject of the film some views that I didn't think I had. I oddly started to respect her and respect that she didn't care about what people thought of her for who she was but at the same time she knew what she did wasn't right and she needed help for it. You start to feel pity for her like I felt pity for Michael Fassbender in Shame they are both oddly similar in ways and are both brilliant at how they deal with this subject on screen.

It made me think that maybe well not even maybe that we do judge films/music/games everything before we are actually sitting down and watching it I find myself always doing this and then being surprised that my views change completely. It made me think that if people didn't think about the subject of this film or have their views on the subject of the film (forget them basically) and just watch this film they would be surprised at how brilliant it actually is. That we are looking at I would easily say one of the most controversial and most surprising films that will come out all year.

It has a wonderful supporting cast from small cameos by Willem Defoe to a great performance by Shia Lebouf playing Jerome a lover of Joe's and the man (spoiler I guess) who takes her virginity. The surprise for me was Jamie Bell who I won't spoil it for you but gives this creepy but brilliant performance in the film that leaves you sickened and sadden at how someone can end up like he is. Its a film that I think was supposed to surprise and and cause controversy which in a way helps the film greatly because its kept it in the public eye and got people like me to watch it. So the film is split into 2 volumes which I don't know if there is any real need for it as there is no real proper stopping point between the two. The first volume basically stops like the last episode of the Sapranos almost mid-sentence and then it starts up again in volume 2 the only reason for this I can come up with is that no one is going to want to sit through a 4 hour film in 1 go. So while it doesn't hurt the film in anyway  it does take you out of the film for a minute while the volume 2 begins I hope that the DVD release just puts them together as their meant to be. Also I will say that the first volume in my opinion is better then the second 1 as it has the bulk of the story in it and makes up for most of the story. The second volume feels like its a lot of filler and not everything feels like it pays off till the end and the ending while it doesn't feel like it completely pays off I don't feel like it needs to. With the nature of the film and its content I don't think that there was ever going to be a natural real ending to the film because there is no way to end the story in a way that will please everybody.

It does just take me back to that point of that you should never jude a book by its cover and I feel that the same can be said for this film as I did that and was completely surprised that I liked it. I am happy in a way that the film proved me wrong as any film that is able to do that to you and completely change your views on the film is always a good thing. It does take me back to my earlier point that maybe we should start to stop judging the content before you watch it because we do that to much now. But in a film such as Nymphomaniacs case it helps it substantially because it gets people talking about it and love it or hate it majority of people are intrigued about it.

I would love to hear from other people those about how they felt about the film if they have watched it and if they haven't if they plan on watching it.

Nymphomaniac just a bit of filth or something brilliant?

So love it or hate it no one can deny that they were or still are interested in Nymphomaniac and the content of the film which mad news maybe 6 months ago about real sex being portrayed in the film. So that understandably split people straight down the the middle of either why are you doing that or nope just not gonna watch it. I can say I was in the nope not gonna watch it category and after being told for about a week to watch vol 1 and 2 of the film because its not what you think I can say that I'm glad I did. When I went into this film and it started with a black screen with the text of the film I was very sceptical that the film was going to be any good and that  I would end up turning it off within 10 mins of putting it on. But when you are sitting there 1 hour and a half into a film not even realising that long has passed it surprised me that I had been gripped by the film as much as I had. I guess in my mind I had gone into watching the film expecting it to just be sex left right and centre with minimal story as I didn't really know what the story was. Due to not having taken much interest in the film I didn't feel like I wanted to know much about the film as I didn't think it would change my view on it. 

But the story began to grip me more then I expected when I started to watch it and began to pity and feel sad for this young woman that had this addiction that had begun to take over her life. Its hard not to feel sorry for someone when your watching as this woman recounts her life battered and bruised after finding herself laying in an alleyway. So its really really hard not to feel sorry for this woman and you can't help but find your views changing as you watch the film and find you have views that you didn't think that you have. So I found myself not so much feeling sorry for her as the film went on but agreeing with her choices and watching as she started to try and take her life back and you started to routing for her as a character. But i would say that this film isn't for everyone not by any means is it for everyone I would say that its for select people that are happy to watch the actions that take place on screen. The way I see the film is that its the film Shame's dirty older brother thats the way that I see it and thats how it feels that they take that issue of sex addiction and bring it to near pin point accuracy of how it must be for someone suffering the addiction. 

The film itself is beautifully cut and shot and the whole film flows beautifully on screen and is very art house and you can't help but love the style of film that he has gone with. The film has an amazing soundtrack  that makes the whole film flow so brilliantly and it feels different and isn't your everyday film that comes out now a days. I feel that this film has benefited in many ways from having all of the controversy that came with the film because it kept the film in the public eye and kept people watching for new updates on the film. Its made sure that everyone no matter who you are if you have heard of the film interested enough that you just want to read that little bit more about the film and what its about. 

But yeah to clarify the film is brilliant in my opinion for the pure fact of that its art house its different and you come out of the film thinking mostly WTF did I just watch. But you slowly come to think well what did I like about that film and you start to roll stuff off your tongue and it starts to come into your head that the film is pretty damn good. 

I would love to hear what people think have you seen the film and did you like it if you have or are you looking to watch it but don't know whether its for you. I would love to hear from people what they think.      

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Disney entering an age of sequels and prequels??

So today it was announced that Disney in works with Pixar have begun production on The incredibles 2 and Cars 3 which was announced by CEO Robert Iger. But it made me think have Disney gotten to a point now where nothing is fresh and new anymore that they have to resort to Sequels/Remakes and prequels. I mean no one should be surprised to hear the announcement of Cars getting another sequel being a billion dollar success relatively speaking its no surprise that Disney would want another one to add more money to their bulging pockets. N I'm excited to hear the talk of The Incredibles finally getting a long awaited sequel it has been 10 years this year since the release of the first one but it begs the question how far do they go before we see an original idea from them again.

No one can deny that the last few outings from Pixar haven't been shall we say amazing successes Monsters University yeah prequel and had none of the heart or warmth that made you fall in love with the characters in the original. Then we have Brave fine new idea but not exactly the roaring successes that I can imagine that they were hoping that it would be wasn't exactly the most thought out hilarious story to come from them. I guess this brings me to my point of that maybe were looking at a time that Disney needs new leadership someone with a 21st century vision that can see the kids these films are aiming at aren't kids anymore. We have a brand new generation of children to inspire and why not do that with new content and vision something that isn't just a rehash of a story from 10 years ago.

I guess this brings me to my point of Frozen its the perfect example of brilliant new writing and music thats funny/sweet and charming to watch on the screen. So why not more of that? Why buy companies such as Marvel and Lucas Arts and then not use them to your advantage in brilliant new ways. Why would you rehash and reboot stories that have been done and are over that should be left to stay where they are. I guess that brings me to my point of the new Star Wars trilogy which I have to say now I was never a fan of the series anyway the original trilogy paved a new way for film which I commend but the story never grabbed me. But its a series that is so iconic and has such a following behind it that lives and breaths those films and loves the original story it just begs the question why risk it all. Why risk so much money and talent on producing a trilogy that could either go down in history as a new Sci-Fi master piece or end up being the worst thing to happen to film since well the Prequels were made frankly. Why risk it all when you could be focusing on getting brilliant brand new Star wars show onto are TV's bring back the clone wars series/ create a brand new series with brand new characters hire some of the best writers in the industry to get a new generation interested in Star Wars. Why waste time rebooting a old beloved story that is frankly done and should be left alone.

I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe were looking at a time where they need to bring in some new leadership someone younger who knows whats gripping kids of today and keeping them glued to their TV screen. Why not go back to the days of when Tim Burton worked for Disney bring back the fear factor to Disney with stuff such as Nightmare before Christmas and The black Cauldron fantastic dark stories that scared kids and gripped them at the same time. Kids aren't as easily scared today as they were when I was a kid so why not bring some of that scare factor back to are TV screens the sort of things that made me love film so much and Disney. I find were losing a new generation of kids because they aren't gripped by what their being given to watch anymore. So to bring it back to the point of this rant if you would why bring sequels to the screen of films that kids today as young as 3 and 4 will have never heard of before. I bring up examples such as Finding Nemo brought to the screen back in 2003 (god it makes me feel old) so the kids that watched that way back when are in their 20's now well people like me. So should we really expect anything from these sequels because I think that at this point they have proved they can't make a sequel to save their life unless its called Toy Story.

But I would love to hear what you think should we be looking at new management or is this just something that we should expect from Disney from now on.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Gotham - first pictures revealed


 The first set picture from the new Fox's series Gotham have been released showing a very dapper Oswald Copperpot and a young Jim Gordon. What's easily noticeable straight away is that Jim is minus the moustache and glasses which shows for a new take on the police cop. Then with a dapper looking Copperpot who will later become the infamous penguin it's looking set to be an exciting new series. Ben Mckenzie plays a young Jim Gordon and was filming a rooftop chase scene drawing his gun lets just hope that it doesn't become another generic police drama. Then Robin Lord Taylor plays a young gentleman Copperpot I do like the shades thing that he's got going on showing that he's not to be messed with. 

Gotham is set to be released later on this year. It's looking to Elbe an exciting new series which could we can only hope expand the DC universe in new ways. 

Love to hear what you think about their choices for the characters and their looks as I know this will be something that's going to devied fans and opinions 

3D Just a dying Gimmick or the Future?

So this is something that I wrote about on another site its an issue that I think we could be looking at coming true in the near future. 

Are leave a link to the site at the bottom.

3D are we looking at the future of film as we know it or just a dying gimmick that’s going to be known for being that generation of film where moving pictures burst out of the screen.

AVATAR, INCEPTION just two films that have shown that 3D can be used in a way that can enhance the viewing experience, but at the cost of a great story. Films such as these have shown us a new way of producing film that worlds that we never thought could come alive and feel alive can become real before are eyes. But do we need 3D to make are stories feel real before are eyes surely are imagination should be able to do that for us, we don’t need to see the images pop out of the screen if you love a film enough then your belief that its real should be enough.

The cinema film experience is something that should never be taken for granted and it’s completely different to watching a film on your television at home. It’s the reason that many people choose to see films on the big screen because its where all are greatest imaginations come to life and you can walk out after feeling happy, sad, angry but at the same time feel your mind and imagination buzzing with the world that was just portrayed on screen. But with more and more films turning to 3D I feel its turning people away from that cinema experience because they don’t want to have to sit there with a pair of uncomfortable glasses on, feeling annoyed after about how irritating they are. Such as “they didn’t sit on my face properly” “Their annoying for me because I where glasses anyway so I have to where two pairs on glasses” just two things I’ve heard on many occasions from people which puts them off of going to the cinema.

Looking at examples of directors such as Peter Jackson who has released many production blogs for The hobbit films which I recommend watching if you haven’t already. He states “3D and the 3D cameras is making for a greater viewing experience and enhancing what’s shown on screen” which I say it doesn’t having watched the first Hobbit film in IMAX 3D I feel it takes you out makes you feel disconnected from what’s happening on screen. It saddens me to think some of the biggest and best directors are choosing 3D not for the viewing experience but for the bigger amount of money it will pull in. I see 3D as the bigger companies such as Disney’s opportunity to make more money. This being as every film Disney makes and produces now will include 3D apart from the odd exception such as “Saving Mr Banks”. It saddens me to think that companies are using it as more of a make big money quickly scheme rather then focus on what’s important the audience and the story.  It pains me to think that film is going down this route of making money more important then what their showing on screen. Also films such as “John Carter” and “The Lone Ranger” both produced by Disney have shown that 3D and the big budgets cant save your film from bombing. Both of which lost millions of dollars and caused them to think more carefully with the films that they produce.

Not on the film subject but just as important Sony announced and stated that there new console the PS4 doesn’t support 3D Blu-Ray. Which makes me think that if Sony won’t support 3D Blu-Ray a technology that they created then it’s obvious that it’s a dying breed of technology. To say that that SONY were backing 3D to be their next big thing 5 years ago in the living room would be a understatement. So for them to be showing signs of a complete 360 surely shows signs that its either a dying breed of technology or were just not ready to take that step in are living rooms. So why cant that be the same for 3D in film as well surely the amount of people that if their given the choice will choose a normal showing over a 3D shows people just don’t want it. That its become more of a hindrance then something that people want.

So to wrap up I don’t feel it’s the future but more a money making scheme that production companies will come to realise that there is no money in it anymore, and that if you aren’t keeping the fans happy then your not going to get anyone to come and see your films. I feel that it’s a gimmick that will dye out in the next decade and if doesn’t I will eat my and say well done on proving me wrong.